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"The Future"

We are nearing the end of the year. It seems like yesterday we are just freshmen and now, I am gonna be a senior soon and then a college student. I should really think of my career. What would I be?

"Hey, Ice! What are you doing?" Riko came and asked

"What are you doing in the future, Riko?" I asked

"Going to college, of course!" He said giving me a thumbs up

"You know what I mean, right?" I glared at him

"Hmm... I don't know much yet..."

"What are the others getting?" I asked

"Kou is plan on being a cook. Tulio is getting Education, I think? And Kyle is getting Criminology."

"The others?"

"Sorry... I don't know. I, myself, am gonna continue the family business I think so I gotta find a course I am comfortable with."

And with that, the bell rang. It is vacant time and Riko said he will meet Kou in the canteen. I prefer to be outside so I went to the school quadrangle. There, I saw Rex, Maya and Ivy.

"Ice! Join us!" Maya shouted

"You seem pretty tense" Rex added

"He is thinking of his future..." Ivy said. I have met Ivy for 3 years and her psychic powers are still getting to me

"It's fun reading your mind, Ice. But seriously, you should think of your future now." She added

"I know but it is giving me a headache..."

"What subjects are you good at?" Maya asked

I tilted my head to her question but eventually answered it

"I am pretty good in logics and math. Also a bit of science" I answered

"Accounntancy?" Rex asked

"No... I plan on getting something with no headaches..."

"Doctor! I love my boyfriend to be a doctor!" Rex shouted

"A doctor huh? I might give it a shot but I will think about it..." I said "What about you guys?"

"I am getting BS in Physical Education like Senpai." Maya said

"I plan on Computer Engineering" Ivy said

"Uhh..." I looked at Rex who is giving that face of unknown again...

"I don't have to be Ivy to know what you are thinking Rex. You don't know, huh?" I said

"Nope!" He gave me a thumbs up

"IDIOT!!" The next thing I saw is him flying as Maya punched him.

"New Record. That's the farthest you punched him" Ivy added

"Pretty much you three are born in a comedy club..." I added and we all laughed

We all went home and I pretty much decided to take medicine as my course but I am worried for Rex. I went to sleep feeling uneasy about my boyfriend...

The next day I was shocked on what I heard from him


"DON'T BE SO LOUD IN THE MORNING!!!!!" Maya then throwed him and he went flying... again...

"Wait, you already decided?" I asked

"Yep! What college do you plan on getting?" He asked

"Um... I think Eastern University like the others cause honestly, you are my family and I want to remain family!" He then hugged me causing me to fall "Wha-?!"

"Then I will get Civil Engineering! So I can be with you!" He kissed my cheek and I felt my cheeks burn up

"Hehehe! You sure will but be sure that that is your final choice puppy!" I teased

"Wait! You are the puppy!" He protested as I scratched his head

"Nope! You are!"

We all took a laugh about it. Before we became seniors, we already have a career in our minds. I plan on getting medicine, Maya is getting Physical Education like Leo, Ivy is getting Computer Engineering, Rex is gonna be a Civil Engineer, Tulio is gonna study on Education, mainly in European Literature, Adam and Kyle are both gonna get Criminology, Kou is getting HRM and Riko is getting Accountancy.

"I wonder what will the future holds us?" I asked myself as I doze off to dream land

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