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You walked down into the ninth grade hallway and looked around for your class.
Kakashi? Just Kakashi? You shrugged and walked into the class I guess they don't go by their last names? Who knows.

"Hey it's the knew kid!" Somebody said loudly.
"Hi?" You looked around the room.
You stood there for a few awkward moments until the guy from the office came back in.
"You can sit next to Naruto." He dismissed the conversation with a wave of the hand.
"I sit over here." Naruto was slightly more calm than when you saw him before, but not by much.

You put your book bag down on top of the desk and got out your books.
"What period is this?" You whispered.
"First." Naruto replied.
"That doesn't help." You said as you pulled out your schedule.
1st-AP Language (Kakashi)
2nd-AP Math (Guy)
Before you could read your third class Naruto snatched it out of your hand.

"Hey!" You growled.
"Hi." He said.
Oblivious and annoying.
"Give me my schedule back." You demanded.
"We have every class together!" He exclaimed.
"You're in AP classes?" You asked.
"Believe it!" Naruto grinned.
I can't believe it. You thought How did HE get in AP classes?

"Naruto, (Y/n) be quiet." Kakashi said with a piece of chalk hanging loose in his fingers.
"Sorry sir." You bowed your head but Naruto just growled.

Suddenly a loud beep came from speakers in the room somewhere.
"This is a red alert." A voice said. "Red alert, lock down."
Kakashi thought for a second then calmly set the chalk down and started closing the blinds on the windows.
"What's going on?" You asked Naruto as he pulled you to the back of the classroom with the rest of your classmates.
"This is probably a drill but we do this when people break into the school." He sat down next to a black haired boy so you also sat.

"My old school did it differently." You whispered.
"Okay shut up." Kakashi sat in his  chair at the front of the room and pulled out a book.

After sitting in the same place for five minutes somebody started banging on the classroom door.

"We don't usually have this part in the drill." Naruto said quietly.

Kakashi stood up, stretched, and sat his book down.
You momentarily closed your eyes and you heard a crack and a bang.
"Huh?" You grunted and opened your eyes.

There was somebody with a black mask and a black outfit in the classroom, they held a gun in their hand and a knife in the other.

Kakashi just raised an eyebrow at them and put his hands behind his head. "Hey." He paused. "Nice outfit."

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