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I ran out of apples
-extraterrestrial screeching-
. . . . .

"The he-" Before the man in black could finish Kakashi already had him knocked out on the floor.

The room fell silent.

"Honestly." Kakashi picked his book up and flipped to the next page. "Turn to page 394 in your text books and read it."

"What just happened?" You poked Naruto in the arm and he grinned.

"You wouldn't understand even if I attempted to tell you."

Time skip because I can.. Got a problem with that?

"Are you bus?" Naruto asked as you put the last of your books into your locker.
"No I have bad experience with busses-" You closed the locker. "I'm walking."
"I'm also walking!" He grabbed your bag and put it on one of his shoulders with his bag on the other shoulder.
"Thanks." You huffed and looked at the large crowd of teenagers trying to all rush out at once.
"Sasuke! Kiba! Hinata!" Naruto waved three people over. "(y/n) this is Kiba and Hinata, you already know Sasuke."
Sasuke grunted, Kiba smiled, and Hinata looked at her shoes.
"Let's get going then." Kiba said.

Another time skip because why not.

You, Kiba, and Sasuke were walking down a sidewalk on a busy road.
Naruto and Hinata had to go in another direction sooooo yeah. (I have no creativity right now so I'm going to take a break)

(Okay I'm back)
"So (Y/n)...." Sasuke trailed off
"Yeah...." You awkwardly said and noticed something in the road. "Hey what's that?" You pointed to it and the two boys looked.
"It's a- dog?" Kiba gasped and started freaking out. "It's my dog!"

You threw your back pack onto the ground and ran into the road without a second thought.
"(Y/n)!" Somebody called.
You ignored them and kneeled down, picking up the dog.
"It's okay. Mama has got you." You held the dog close to your chest and noticed that he yelped as you touched his right hind leg.
"Must have broken it." You whispered and quickly stood up.
Before you could take a step somebody tackled you and you both fell onto the next lane.
"You idiot!" The person above you whispered.
You opened your eyes, which you had closed at some point, to see Naruto.
You looked down at the dog in your arms and sighed to see it open its eyes and let out a small bark.
"Are you okay?" Naruto asked.
"Nngh aggh?" You tried to speak but you were in so much pain that all you could do was grunt.
"Oh god you're bleeding!" Naruto picked you up while you stroked the dog and forced back tears. "(y/n) have you ever heard of road safety?"

The next thing you knew your vision was black, you could still hear voices around you but you couldn't open your eyes or move.
"Is she okay?" Somebody asked.
"Yeah but we need to get to a hospital quick." Another person replied.
"Let's go then."

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