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It was now October and the hospital incident and long faded from your mind.
Currently you were getting into your costume, you were cosplaying as a/an (anime that's not Naruto) character. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kiba, and Shikamaru were also cosplaying characters from that anime because you had gotten them into it.

"Ready?" Kiba asked as soon as you opened the door.
"Yeah where are we meeting everybody?" You stepped outside and shivered.
"At the haunted house two streets down." He said as you both started walking.
"Sounds good, by the way your (character) cosplay is awwweesome."
"So is yours." He put his hands in his pockets and you continued on in (comfortable) silence.

When you arrive at the haunted house.

"(Y/n)-CHAN!" Naruto ran towards you and tackled you onto the ground in a hug.
"Agh Naruto personal space please!" You laughed as he squeezed the life out of you.
"Sorry!" He jumped back and Sasuke helped you up.

You noticed that everybody was in one large circle and observed who had arrived.
It looks like everybody dressed up as (anime) characters came... So did Ino, Choji, Neji, Hinata, Lee, and Gaara. Wait why is Gaara here? Doesn't he hate us?

"(y/n) earth to (y/n)!" Sakura waved her hand in front of your face.
"Oh sorry!" You grinned.
"The haunted house only takes five people at a time so we're separating into groups, the people who aren't in the haunted house will explore the festival."
"Festival?" You tilted your head and Sakura face palmed.
"Yes festival! How did you not know this whole thing was a festival?" She sighed as you chuckled nervously.
"Sorry, I forgot."
"It's fine..." She shrugged. "Me, you, Naruto, Sasuke, and Ino are in one group."
"Sounds good- let's go!" You said as you headed into the line for the haunted house.

Five minutes later

"Tickets please." The lady in front of the haunted house said with a bored look on her face.
"Here." You handed her your ticket and soon the other people in your group also did.

You walked into the haunted house in between Sasuke and Naruto, after a short fight of who was going first (between Sasuke and Naruto) Sakura shoved past the two boys and boldly walked forwards.
Now Sasuke was in front of you and Naruto was behind you, Ino was in the very back probably sulking about not taking the lead when Sakura did.

"Turn back!" A guy with fake blood splattered on his face groaned.
You laughed a little as you felt Naruto's hand latch onto yours.
"Walk faster!" Ino said with an annoyed tone.

About halfway through the haunted house it started getting really creepy.
A small girl with ratty hair and a small bunny stuffed animal walked in front of Sakura, tears streaming down her face.
"Are you my mummy?" The little girl quietly said and then let out a deafening scream.
Sakura bolted past the girl, Sasuke calmly walked, you laughed, Naruto squeezed your hand in fear, and Ino frantically tried to get past Naruto.

Time skip

"That wasn't scary!" You stated as you and your group exited the haunted house.
"That was horrifying!" Sakura shivered.
"I agree with (Y/n)." Sasuke shrugged.
"Sasuke you're so brave!" Ino gripped Sasuke's arm but he just shook her off.
"Let's go to the festival guys!" Naruto still hadn't let go of your hand which kind o confused you.
Suddenly the blond boy started dragging you over to the large area lit with orange lanterns.
"Do they have funnel cakes?" Sakura asked, now over the scare of the haunted house.
"What festival doesn't have funnel cakes?" You replied.
"A bad one!" Ino laughed as you all finally reached the outer area of the festival.
You looked around and noticed you could already see several rows of stands and a large stage with a group of dancers.

"Let's go!" You called to your group while being dragged to who knows where by Naruto.

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