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It took five minutes for everyone to meet up at the Ferris wheel. In that time you observed the way children pulled their mothers and fathers behind them while running to the next shop or entertaining looking place with a grin on their face.

Salty, sweet, and unidentifiable scents swirled around you, giving you a warm floaty feeling.

The sky was slightly cloudy and after checking the radar on your phone you announced to the people around you that it was going to rain in one hour or so.

Suddenly Gaara arrived.

"Is that everyone?" Ino asked.

"Hmm yes." You replied and stepped into the short line of the Ferris wheel.

Soon enough you were on the ride with Naruto, Sasuke, and Kiba.

You looked around the event with a huge smile on your face, your hands fidgeted around which annoyed Sasuke as he was sitting next to you.
"Look at the moon!" You said as you pointed to the moon.

It was fully and really bright- which only happened every so often.

"Wow." Naruto cooed.

As you reached the top the ride shuddered a little and with a long metallic groan, it shut down.

Somebody further down screamed and people in other sections started freaking out but your group stayed calm.

Unsurprisingly enough Sasuke grabbed his phone from his pocket and went on Tumblr while ignoring your bouncing up and down in the seat.

Five minutes later

The ride FINALLY started moving again but it was bumpier and let out a painful screeching noise every two seconds.

As soon as you got out you grabbed Naruto's arm and dragged him to a large group of people who were dancing to (cool song).
You let go of Naruto's arm with a grin and started to dance. He looked at you with an amused face but soon joined in.

You two danced until it started raining which came earlier than you expected.

The rain was soft for a few seconds but soon enough it was pouring down.

You and your whole group ran in your cosplays out of the area of the festival and down the streets.
Kiba, Naruto, and Hinata followed you since your house was closer than theirs.

"I love rain!" You yelled to Kiba, who was directly next to you.

After a short five minute run you were at your house in soaked clothing.

"Hey! Kiba and you, Naruto can borrow some of my brother's clothes!" You pointed to where your brother's room was and looked at the ceiling. "What next.."

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