Chapter 11

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Recommended Song: Without You by ODESZA

Today is Monday, which means you're going back to school. What a joy.

You lazily got up, turning your alarm off you spun around to look around your room.
You quickly grabbed a towel and attempted to run into the bathroom but your brother rushed in and slammed the door in your face.

"First come, first serve!" He teased.

"If everyone in this world was a different type of knife, you would be a spoon!" You yelled.

"Yeah well you wouldn't even be anything, you wouldn't exist because you don't MATTER!" He called and then continued to turn on the shower while laughing loudly.

Time skip because I'm horrible

For you it's currently ???th period which means you have the amazing class of Physical education, otherwise known as God-help-me-I'm-really-out-of-shape.

The only thing good about this class was that Kiba and Hinata were in it. Hinata didn't talk to you much but you and Kiba were BFFs in the short amount of time that you had known each other, meaning that you would casually make dirty jokes, complain a lot, and partner up during exercises.

Let's go on shall we.

"Kiba!" You shouted, bringing your friend back to reality.

Kiba looked at you through the corner of his eyes but continued to jog on the trail that went around the school.

"Are you going to the fall dance?" You asked, completely forgetting about poor Hinata.

At the words Fall and Dance his lips formed into a frown but he continued to run in silence.

"What's wrong?" You asked with a huff.

Before he could say anything Sakura ran by, glaring at Hinata and you and winking at Kiba.

"What a basic." You rolled your eyes.

Although Sakura did come with you and your other friends to the festival, she only came because Sasuke was there.

"Yeah I guess." Kiba murmured quietly causing You to give him a questioning stare.

Suddenly Sakura stopped in her tracks, making you stop since she was running right in front of you. She pulled up her shorts and turned to face you.
"I hope you weren't thinking of coming to the fall dance, everyone knows you can't dance-" She laughed, "You'd probably just trip over your own feet and embarrass yourself."

You almost smacked her but Hinata held you back.

"Wow I can't believe that you're so weak that the stiff has to hold you back!" Sakura laughed some more and then turned around and continued running again.

"FIGHT ME MATE!" You yelled at her as she ran, free of any struggles or problems.

Kiba rolled his eyes but continued to stand next to you and Hinata as she calmed you down.

Another time skip to the end of the school day ah kill me

You waved goodbye to Kiba and Sasuke and walked down a road with Hinata and Naruto, soon after you waved goodbye to Hinata too. You were going to stay at Naruto's house for a while to work on a project that you were partners on. (That whole paragraph was mush)

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Naruto grinned, interrupting your thinking, "Want to get icecream."

"Sure." You replied bluntly and followed Naruto, completely oblivious of the blush on his cheeks.

I don't really know how to end this so THE END of this chapter. Bye.

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