Chapter 13

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"Did you hear what she said?"

"Isn't it horrible!"

You walk through the hallways of your school, receiving glares left and right until you reach your locker where Kiba is waiting for you. Immediately he clears his throat and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"I won't be able to sit with you guys at lunch." He says.

"Why not?" You ask, your eyebrow slightly twitching in annoyance.

"I may or may not be sitting with Sakura." He nervously looked at the ground, waiting for your approval.

"Whatever, I don't care so just do what you want." You said, snapping your locker closed. Kiba just stared and shrugged it off.

"Well I'll still see you after school I guess." He said. You grunted in agreement.


"I'm just going to help her with her math."


"You're still my best friend."


"Okay you can leave now." You interrupted his excuses, tightly gripping a pen in your hand.

"Seeya." He grinned, oblivious to your discomfort.

Your day went very, very slowly. You lurked in the hallways between classes, slept throughout lunch, and pretty much failed a pop quiz. After all this Kiba met up with you at your locker, only to mumble out a barely audible excuse and leave.

When you arrived home with your brother slowly trailing behind you, you slammed you door shut and collapsed in your bed. Out of pure frustration you gripped your hair and tugged at it while groaning loudly.

"What up?" Your brother yelled from his room.

"Nothing!" You yelled back, hesitantly biting your nail and then standing up and locking your door.

"Are you okay, honey?" Your mother called almost immediately after you locked your bedroom door.

"Yes, mother!" You said back.

"Okay, we're having take out food tonight because I have plans with the girls so you can pick what you want!" Your mom said.

You don't understand, mom. God. (*cringe intensifies*)

"What about me?!" Ash yelled, his voice slightly cracking (to your amusement).

"You too, you can pick your own I guess," Your mom sighed and you heard a faint jingling of car keys, "I gotta go but you guys know how to order things so I'm trusting you!"

"Okay, mother!" You said, while Ash just made a weird confirming bird call in response.

"Your father will be home around 11:30, love you!" Your mom finished her speech and shut the door loudly behind her.

Naruto has a tingling sense that you are home alone and whispers: "Here come dat boi, o shit waddup."

I have no reason for writing this anymore besides you guys reading it, so enjoy I guess.
(Btw I promise the next chapter will be more interesting, I just wanted to publish something so you guys would know that I haven't curled into a ball and died.) Have some amazing art I drew of reader-chan.

) Have some amazing art I drew of reader-chan

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