Chapter 10

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And just to clear up any confusion, your parents died in a car crash but you were adopted by new ones, luckily you got to stay with your brother.
Long chapter :D

It is currently eleven am on a Saturday, this happens to be the Saturday the day after Halloween.
Today you have to drop Kiba and Hinata off, get groceries with your brother, eat lunch with Sasuke and Shikamaru, make cookies and drive them to a food drive, find time to pack up the Halloween decorations, and then drop off Naruto. Unfortunately, Naruto would have to do all of this with you because your moms were on a girls' night (and day) and your dads were doing something for work.

Let's get started.

*timey wimey perspective shift*

I looked at my house one last time before shutting the door and locking it.

"I'll be back from (random name because I'm not creative)'s house by the time you get back." Ash said as he started walking away from me, Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata.

"Okay, bye fuckass!" I smirked.

"I'm going to feed you to Satan!" He happily called.

Kiba laughed a little and then proceeded to follow Hinata in the direction that they were heading, luckily enough they lived across from each other.
Me and Naruto walked behind them, cracking and joke every so often but mainly keeping up a steady conversation.

"Okay see you Kiba, bye Hinata!" I hugged my two friends and then started walking back with Naruto.

"You know what (Y/n)?" Naruto asked.


"I don't want to go home after today, can I sleep over again?"

"I don't know, I'll ask when our dads get back."

"Sounds good!" He gave me the signature grin and a thumbs up and continued on with a different topic.

To getting groceries.

"Come on Ash!" I groaned as my brother watched Gravity Falls intently.

"Shhhush child!" He complained.

"Oh my god if you don't get up I won't get you any chips." I said, earning a groan from him. "And I'll tell mom!"

"You're such a baby!" He commented as he shut off the TV and sat up, stretching. "Why are you leaving as soon as you got back, you just dropped off your friends."

"Unlike you, I have plans!" I teased, walking through the door and grabbing my skateboard.

Naruto grabbed an extra one and Ash grudgingly grabbed his.

"Let's just go."

Thirty minutes later

"Oh come on (Y/n)!" Ash complained.

"No, don't you start moaning and groaning!"

"He's right, (Y/n)." Naruto said.

"If you two don't shut your traps I'll eat all of your stuff by myself," I glared at the two, "And you know I'm capable of it, so don't test me."

"Fine but I'll get you back!" Ash said "Maybe I'll stick spiders in your bed, or fill your socks with roaches."

"Dude, you're scared of spiders and roaches, you wouldn't be able to pull that off." I added as I put the last item into the cart and walked to the checkout line.

~~~After ten painfully slow minutes of the employee at the checkout lane trying to flirt with your brother and Naruto, you finally left.~~~

"Thanks for the chips, sis." Ash smiled, patting me on the back. "Looks like Satan will be disappointed."

"How jolly." I sarcastically said, walking into my room with Naruto close behind me.

"Remember to use protection!" Ash yelled, causing me to slam the door.

"You know, it's surprisingly hot today." I commented. "Can you check the temperature?"

"Yeah," Naruto pulled out his phone. "It's 95 and feels like 99." (If you use a different system or this doesn't seem very hot just imagine it being very, very, very hot and humid.)

"Sweet freckled Jesus." I panted, laying down on your floor with the window open wasn't helping. "Plug in that fan."

After five minutes of laying around and sweating while listening to (artist) with Naruto, I finally got up and removed my shirt.

"What are you doing?" Naruto squeaked.

"Listen up shit face, it's pretty hot and if you have a problem with me taking off my shirt then you can go drink some holy water because you're the one with the wrong mind."

"Okay then." Naruto grinned and also took off his shirt. "Then I guess this doesn't bother you?"

"Nope, not the slightest."

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