Chapter Twenty Four.

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Roman's Point Of View;

  Seeing them standing together and him touching her sent an explosion of fury through my body; I had never felt this type of rage in my entire existence. I took large strides towards them; I could feel my monster being unleashed as my face contorted.

   "You best remove you disgusting paws off my mate, or I will remove them for you." I spit into Hudson's face.

   He gives me a playful smirk, tempting me to try it.

   "I think you mean our  mate." He corrects me, not breaking the shit eating grin.

   As the words leave his mouth, I go into transform into my monster and I'm lounging for his jugular. October lets out a shriek of fear as I pounce on top of Hudson. Her voice instantly soothes me, I take a look over towards her and couldn't help but smile at my lovely mate. Although her face was etched with fear and concern. I get off of Hudson and make my way towards her; taking her into a tight embrace.

   As October and I remain in this embrace, I begin to hear bones cracking and configuring themselves. I quickly whip around and notice Hudson beginning to transform into the mutt he is. I push October behind me to protect her.

   "Stop it you two. If you keep this up I will not choose either of you." October pipes up from behind me.

   Both Hudson and my eyes widen in surprise at October's declaration. My body turns towards hers and I stare deeply into her eyes; I could tell how torn she really was. With a heavy sigh, I take a reluctant step back from her; allowing her some distance between us.

  Her tiny arms wrap themselves around her curvy frame as she lowers  her eyes to the ground,

 "Why didn't you tell me Roman?" She asks me meekly.

 I remain still, not sure what to tell her. Hudson stands tense and glowers at me, betrayal written on his face.

 "I didn't tell you because..." I pause, searching for the right words, "Because I didn't want you to be so torn. I can see it in your face and body language. You don't know who to choose, and it's hurting you." I state honestly.

 She peers up at me through her thick black eyelashes and simply nods her head.

 "Go on Roman, tell her everything." Hudson insists, scowling.

 October stares at me expectantly,

 "Your mother and father... aren't actually your real parents. You were adopted. There's a long story behind it. But I will tell you everything you want to know." I tell her hesitantly.

 Her posture stiffens and fists clench as she glares daggers in my direction,

 "I'm adopted and you never figured to tell me." She hisses through clenched teeth, "I want to know everything, and I want to know it now!"

 I sigh and motion for her to follow me to the black leather couch, she reluctantly follows behind me and sits on the opposite end. Hudson takes a seat next to October in a leather arm chair, nodding his head for me to continue,

 "You see you aren't exactly human... Your parents were both leaders, a king and queen if you prefer to call them that. Well, they ruled one of the most powerful and most hunted species, The Fairy's. Now I know you think you know what a Fairy is, but I can assure you; you don't. They are very powerful and skilled fighters, their magic is also very strong, they are skilled in every trait. But they need to be because if they cannot protect themselves... they'd be wiped out. They're hunted for the blood not because it's the most pure and sweetest tasting, but because the person who drink the blood of a Fairy gains the powers of that Fairy." I tell her, "That's probably why you have felt so different from your family, it is because you are very different. A total different specie."

  October mouth hangs open, she's left speechless so I take this opportunity to finish,

 "Both of your biological parents loved you so much they did the hardest thing a parent could do to protect you, they gave you to me to find a human family far away from there. You see, my parents and your biological ones are great friends and we knew them for centuries so they trusted me to protect their daughter and my mate. And so I did. But part of the deal was I had to compel you to forget your old life. I found a nice family who I knew would take great care of you, but I was always there just encase. I had to compel your parents into adopting you and to never tell you you were adopted. It was to protect you. I was going to tell you when the time was right, I always attended to tell you; I swear." I tell her completely honestly.

 "If you need to know anything else just ask me, I will never lie."

 I reached out to her, but her reaction was to cringe away; her beautiful hazel eyes filled with pools of tears.

 "I want to meet them." She whimpers.

 I bite my lip in contemplation, "I can definitely arrange that." I say hesitantly.

 She just nods her head.

 "I know this isn't the right time to ask, but October you know you have to make a choice." Hudson suddenly says calmly.

 I heard her sigh, lifting her head to look at Hudson first then to me. Our eyes lock, my eyes filled with so much hope. If she chose him my heart will shatter and I don't think I will ever be the same again. As I stared at her with more intensity I could see the adoration in those beautiful hazel eyes; which made my heart swell with happiness.

 "This pains me so much because I care for you both so much. But there is one who I care for more. Hudson I am so sorry. But it's Roman, it will always will be him." She confesses, her voice cracking as tears slid from her eyes.

 Hudson jumped up and strode towards me, grabbing me by the scruff of my collar,

 "Hurt her again, I will hunt you down personally and tear your throat out." He threatens venomously. 

 I nod my head, "I promise to never hurt her, ever. I'm sorry Hudson." I apologize, not imagining what he is going through.

 He walked hesitant over to October. October stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest.

 "Shh, it's okay. And I'll be okay. Just stay safe, please." He whispers in her ear, "I'm always a phone call away. My pack and I will always protect you. And I will miss you." He kisses her on the cheek and turns and walks out the room.

 The look of sadness on his face actually made me feel bad for the guy, but I was way too over joyed she picked me.

 After a few more sobs October looked at me, her face completely serious,

 "Don't make me regret my choice." She says sternly.

 I jump up from my seat and in a flash I'm in front of her, my arms wrapped tightly around her. It felt so amazing to finally have her back in my arms. She nuzzled her face into my chest and inhaled my scent. Seeing her visibly made me relax as well.

 She tilted her head back so she could get a good look at me, "I want to meet my biological parents as soon as possible." She whimpers.

 "Lets get you home princess. I will reverse the compulsion on you and make you remember. Then I will notify your parents. So hopefully by tomorrow your parents can travel here, and be apart of the mating ceremony." I tell October, kissing her lips gently.

 She gives me a slight smirk and nods. I take her hand and lead her out of the house and to the waiting car. We get in with a comfortable silence, and just hold each other the whole way home.  


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