8. The Note

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Davina's Pov:

I was frozen in place. I have never seen something like that before. Elijah and Klaus were already there and their calmness scared me the most. That moment Hayley came from downstairs and her reaction was like mines.

"What happened here?" said now Kol and I realized he was standing behind me. "A corpse party?"

There were vampires everywhere; half of them dead and the other half unconscious. What happened here and how no one noticed it? Klaus was looking at the corpses with a disappointed look, Rebekah was biting her lips, once looking at Elijah and once at Klaus. Kol was calm, he had leaned against the wall and looking around confused.

Wow. They are the masters of calmness when it comes to situations like this.

"When we woke up, we found them all here and the most weird part, is that they aren't bitten. Probably a witch did that" said Elijah and I wandered around the corpses, hopefully neither Josh nor Marcel would be one of them.

And then my eyes caught a small piece of paper, which was on the jacket of a dead man. I carefully picked it up, making sure no one saw me taking it. Something was written on it, but I could barely understand what it was written on the paper.

I gulped. What was that? Who wrote this? A fear took over me and I heard my heart beating faster and faster, like it was gonna burst in any minute.

The words made me to get chills and jumped a little. I stumbled on one of the bodies and fell behind, leaving a small yelp come from my mouth. And then I realized Kol's hand was on my shoulders, shaking me.

"Davina what happened? What did you see?" he asked and I was still in a shock, so it was like I never heard Kol's question. But he started shaking me again and insisted to get an answer.

"Davina answer me!"

I couldn't tell him. The last thing I wanted was an angry Kol. I tried to calm myself but the only thing I did was to made my breath even faster.
"Nothing I-I just stumbled.. "

"Davina what's going on?" said now Rebekah and she helped me to stand up.

I gripped my fist which I was holding the paper, trying to hide it from them. But of course, Kol noticed the sudden grip of my fist and walked close to me, giving me a cold glance.

"What are you holding?" he asked and I stepped behind.

"I have nothing, what are you talking about?" I laughed nervously and I saw everyone looking at me suspiciously.

"Give me your hand" he demanded and I gulped.

"This is stupid" I said and tried to pass him, but his hand grabbed my wrist.

At any cost, you are not getting that paper Kol. I thought and gave him a cold look.

"Kol what are you talking--" started Elijah but Kol's voice interrupted him.

"I saw it Davina. You took something from there and you are hiding it. Whatever that thing is, it made you got scared." he said and I took a big breath.

"What? It just surprised me, I mean I thought this guy was Josh and I got socked" I lied and looked him straight in the eyes.

Kol's eyes were darkened and it felt like he was trying to 'read' my thoughts. For a few minutes everyone stood silent but my fear was growing inside me.

Was that person warning me about something? And how he knew I was gonna be the one who would find the note?

And that's when I ruined everything. I was shaking.

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