32. The Best People Are

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A/N: New Cover! And I have to thank -DirtyDxvina- for her amazing work. Thank you for your support girl, it means a lot to me! That's why I want to dedicate this chapter to you :) And thank you guys for your support too ❤❤❤ (P.S. I'm sorry if it's kind of short, the next one will be better, promise ;).

Davina's POV:

All night I was thinking about my conversation with Kol and how terrible of a person I was. But I decided I had better things to do than feeling guilty. I am doing all this for a reason, right? A really significant one and I was not willing to let it go.

So tomorrow morning, was going to be the big day. I had to find the toy knight soon, since I was running out of time. Nicolette's sudden visit yesterday had already kept me on guard and I was determined to find this piece of the white oak first.

I made sure to wake up first in order to wait for the opportunity to go and search into Klaus' room. I had done this before and I succeeded, let's hope this time nothing will go wrong.

Elijah had woken up early that morning because he and Hayley would go to the bayou together. Rebekah was out because she and Marcel had some plans in order to deal with the Strix. Klaus was the last one to leave the mansion and, I guess he went to do god knows what and Kol..

Kol had disappeared ever since our last conversation.


It's time.

By the minute I heard Klaus leaving, I bursted out of my room, heading to his. I started fumbling in his closet, searching under his bed, between the books, anywhere. Where could a thousand year old hybrid hide a toy knight? Klaus wouldn't just hide a weapon that can kill even him in a place where anyone could find it. But also, he wouldn't hide a deadly weapon somewhere he couldn't reach. He must have kept it close to him.

A place where he could have access to any time.

And if that place wasn't his bedroom then it must have been the place where he spent most of his time. A wide smile crept across my face as I realised where it could be hidden. I rushed out, heading to that specific room.

My eyes darted around the room; the library. I had noticed that both Elijah and Klaus were spending most of their time here, especially Klaus. Could it be... because he had to protect something?

My first thought was to search among the books, which I did immediately but, to no avail. I stopped on my tracks when my eyes landed on a weighty tome, a book which any witch would die for; the Grimoire of Esther Mikealson. Too bad now it is completely useless to me, because this book you could do whatever you...

No Davina. Focus on the plan. Find and take the toy knight.

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