31. Darling, The Eyes Never Lie

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Davina's POV:

I woke up with a terrible pain in my back.

The first thing I did was to groan, since I still had the feeling of the knife cutting through my neck. I glanced at my watch to see how much time I was knocked out but honestly, I really didn't have to.

It was already night.

I have been KO for a whole day? Wow. I must have been really weak since it took me so much time to recover.

"Finally, sweetheart. I was getting worried there."

I turned my head instantly and saw Kendrix, sitting right beside me with a smile. I lowered my gaze since he was holding something that I found much more interesting.

A blood bag.

"Oh this? I brought it for you. Here," he said, giving me the bag with the liquid.

In less that a minute, I had already devoured the blood, regaining my consciousness straight away. I sat up, crossing my legs as I rested my elbows on them. "How long have you been here?"

"Four hours I think. I smelled your blood while I was wandering around the streets." he explained, a glimpse of concern appearing in his eyes. "I'm truly sorry about this, Davina. I never thought she would just go and hunt you down without a plan. She never acts like that, despite her craziness."

"It's fine, really. As a matter of fact, I think she helped me with a dilemma I was facing before."

He wrinkled his eyebrows, "Really?"

I grinned. "Anyway, thank you. For the blood bag."

"Don't think about it. It took you a while to recover so I guessed that you would be hungry when you woke up."

I remained silent. It was a wonderful night, the stars in the sky, the pedestrians passing by, the traffic jam. I liked this sound.
I laid down, crossing my hands behind my head and gazing at the night sky. Kendrix looked at me with a smirk, without saying anything though.

"I missed this." I exhaled, closing my eyes.

"You missed it?"

I glanced at him, "Yeah. This peacefulness. It is beautiful. I haven't done this in a while. I did it a lot with Kol. We were going on the top of the old church and we were just...gazing at the sky. We talked some times while others we preferred to be quite and enjoy the silence." I said and without realising it, I smiled.

Kendrix looked away, his eyes darkening. "You really do love him, don't you?"

I looked at him confused. "Kol is the only thing I have. I owe him everything. That's why I agreed with your plan."

Kendrix smirked, fixing his hair with his fingers, "You know the risk you are taking though, don't you? If Klaus finds out that you took the knight, or if my sister does. It's going to be a disaster."

I sat up again, stretching my arms. Kendrix eyes were a darker shade of green now, still glowing under the moonlight though. He must have noticed that I was studying his face and so I looked away, raising my gaze to the sky again.

"Despite the fact I don't like Kol, truthfully, I envy him."


Kendrix chuckled, standing up. "Because he has a beautiful girl that I'll never have. Or at least for now."

For Eternity #Book 2Where stories live. Discover now