26. A Ball To Remember

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This chapter is dedicated to MeTheFangirl96 for giving me that awesome idea for the story! Thanks a lot, girl! Hope you all enjoy this part!

Davina's POV:

I was waiting for him at the top of the old church, my favorite place. Each time I wanted to clear up my head or just shut the world out, I came up there, ready to inhale the fresh air and take a break from reality.

I was looking down at the cars passing by when I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my tiny waist, pulling me closer to the person's chest.

"Hello darling."

I smiled, not really wanting to. "Hey." I breathed out.

Kol buried his face in my collarbone, inhaling heavily. "I missed you already love and it hasn't been even a day since the last time I saw you."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Why didn't you tell me you talked with her? Again?"

He immediately pulled away, releasing me from his embrace. "Because it didn't matter."

Well now he started to piss me off. "Didn't matter? Didn't matter that a crazy girl that had or still has a thing for you talks to you and touches you and you are not even telling me?"

Kol smirked amusingly, like all this was a joke to him. "I sense a hint of jealousy."

I rolled my eyes, shooting on my feet. "That's your answer? Really? You know that she is deranged and the fact there is a prophecy threatening your existence doesn't matter to you at all? What if she is one of the people who will take you down?"

Kol stoop up too, raising his eyebrow. "I never said I would be bff with her or something like that, because it's not going to happen. So did I calm your pretty head down now?"

I exhaled, still being suspicious. "And what about the ball the Strix organize tonight? Were you going to tell me about it or you would keep it a secret too?"

I didn't care about a stupid ball. It wasn't this that bothered me but the fact he preferred to hide things from me to just tell the truth. And I can't even find the reason why he would do that.

He looked genuinely surprised, but he managed to hide it. "Darling, we can't go there. Those immortal savages are playing dirty tricks and I can't risk it."

I raised an eyebrow, "What exactly you can't risk? See, even now you don't explain things. You just avoid to blatantly answer to me."

His eyes lost the spark of playfulness and suddenly grew darker as they were staring right into mine. "You don't really want to start this conversation darling, trust me."

"Okay I won't. Because I don't want to end up into another argument with you Kol. I'm done with that. But I'm going to the Strix's ball, whether you come or not." I said sharply and turned around ready to flee but Kol's fingers wrapped around my wrist and forced my body to turn around, pulling me as if I was a feather.

"I don't know what made you so furious and I can't understand why you think not telling you about Nicolette was so important, but I don't see a reason to explain things here."

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