34. Fury

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A/N: Oh my god this is going to be such an intense chapter! *squeals* okay I'll shut up.

Kol's POV:

I will end you. I swear I am going to finish your pathetic life tonight.

That's what I was telling myself each minute that passed. After having sent a message to Kendrix, telling him to meet me in the woods near the bayou, I was thrilled; I couldn't wait to strangle this bastard. Oh poor thing, he thought I called him because I wanted to make a civilised conversation with him, how utterly wrong he was. Right now all I could think of was his neck, ripped off.

Abruptly, my phone buzzed. I looked at the passenger's seat where I had tossed it, only to see 3 missed calls from Davina. She must have woken up.

Finally, I would know what she had been hiding all this time and more importantly, why. Why with him. Was it his ultimate goal to get her? Is that it? From the start I could see the way he was staring at her, like she was the last drop of blood on earth and he had to have it. Oh, little did he know that by the moment he had those intentions of her, he was already dead.

So tonight, I'm just going to seal his demise.

I turned off the engine and stormed out of the car. The wind blew, not just gentle breezes but full-blown bone chilling winds. I loved this weather. It was already dark outside, making it harder to see where you were stepping on. Honestly though, that moment the image of Kendrix's dead body was a pretty good motivation for me to keep walking in the darkness.

Then, I halted. He was here. "Good choice to come." I said in an ironic tone. I narrowed my eyes to spot his silhouette; and there he was, standing a few metres away from me, his eyes meeting my mine. That's the last thing you'll ever see, De Roussert. I grinned, stretching my fingers.

He snickered, completely oblivious about what was going to follow. "How could I refuse to talk to my sire?" he grinned, "So what are we doing here? What was that important thing you wanted to tell m--"

In mere seconds, I grabbed him and tossed him on a tree, a loud groan escaping from his mouth. Before he could stand on his feet, I grabbed the collar of his shirt again, smashing his head against the rough surface. "Do you feel that?" I hissed, a sadistic smirk forming on my lips, "Because now you're in hell. And you're stuck with me."

And just like that, I tossed him once more on an other tree, his head violently crashing into it. Even though he quickly regained his balance, leaning on the tree in order to catch his breath, "What the hell... What is all this about..?"

I stretched my arms, approaching him. "You ask? Why don't you start explaining why you are so, well how do I put this, fond of Davina? I can understand if you want to admire her, but flirting and keeping secrets with her is something I will not allow."

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