15. Surgery Play-Time

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(Warning: this won't be a pleasure chapter. I will not put disgusting things don't worry but hey, this is a fan fiction based on The Originals! It has to have some blood spillage!)

Davina's POV:

I groaned loudly as I felt every muscle of my body tensed. I wasn't lying on the ground where I was before I passed out. Here, wherever here was, was warm and cozy, like I was lying on the softest mattress in the world. I groaned once again and rubbed my eyes with my fists, when I finally managed to open them. I had found something familiar before in that cozy place but the moment I opened my eyes I realized I was back at the Mikealsons' mansion.

I tried to remember how I came here but everything was so blur that it actually caused me a headache. I remembered all the sweat and the andreline rush when I managed to escape from the storehouse but from that moment, everything was unclear.
I despised the fact I couldn't remember but I knew I had more important things to think about right now. Like how I will find Mist or where the hell is Kol, if I'm indeed at the Mikealsons' mansions. Why wasn't he here with me?

"Hey girl." I heard Hayley's voice coming from the door, as I sat up on the bed and glanced around quickly.

"Where is everyone Hayley? And how the hell I got here?" I simply said as a small yawn escaped my lips.

"Well it's nice to see you too." she chuckled and approached me, "If by everyone you mean the Mikealsons, they are all out and I stayed here to watch over you." she replied and an annoyed look appeared on my face.

"Watch over me? I'm not a baby, so I don't need a babysitter." I protested but quickly realized my rudeness and bit my under lip, "I'm sorry." I frustrated.

"It's okay. Besides that's what I told them too but you know how protective is Rebekah so yeah, she didn't want to leave you alone." she explained and I tapped my fingers frantically on my lap, thinking.

I still wanted to know how I got here and who brought me back, since it was blatantly obvious that I didn't get here on my own. I looked up, meeting Hayley's confused face.

"Who brought me here?"

"Well you won't believe this but... Klaus did." she said and I almost felt my jaw dropping.

She was kidding right?

In my mind popped the day of my birthday party here, in their mansion, while I was still a carefree witch. That day, Kol and Klaus got into a fight because Kol had almost killed a werewolf to protect me and it didn't end up really well. I had made Klaus literally knee in front of me, but I did it because it was my turn to protect Kol! The hybrid almost stabbed him with the dagger so I couldn't just stand there and watch like the others did.

Even though...

Klaus is the reason I'm still alive. Perhaps I don't like what I am now but, without Klaus's blood, I would be now on the other side. Not that I feel sired to him or anything, no, like hell I do, but I just can't understand how it always ends up with him, saving my life.

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