11. Just A Small Message

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Kol's Pov:

Later that night, we returned to the mansion, with Davina enjoying her victory back to the cemetery. But my baby sister was always there to ruin my fun, standing in the middle of the room with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Well well... Where have you lovebirds been all those hours?" she said and I wrapped my arm around Davina's shoulder.

"Did you take the role of the mother, Bex? Because all those years, I was really glad for not having one" I scoffed and Rebekah gave me a cold glance.

"Please Kol. I just think I'm the only sensible Mikealson in this damn family"

"Woah someone is upset Bekah. Did you have a bad sleep time?" I said sarcastically and she chuckled back. She then looked at Davina, with the same angry look.

"Where have you been Davina? Did you know how worried I was about you? You were acting so crazy before, I thought someone got into you"

Right. The note.

"And don't worry I'm gonna find whoever wrote that crap and kick his life out of him" bursted Rebekah and Davina smiled.

"Thanks Rebekah but I'm capable of dealing with him alone" she replied and I chuckled at Bekah.

"See Bex? You can keep your karate kid moves for yourself" I said sarcastically and Bekah tilted her head.

"I'm still though in a mood for kicking your ass Kol"

"I love you too Bekah" I retorted and I headed upstairs with Davina.


Davina's Pov:

I couldn't sleep all night. My mind was runing to the scene at the cemetery, when me and Kol killed those witches. I should feel grateful, I should feel relieved that I punished them for using me, but the problem is...I felt nothing. And that made me angry. I did it, I took revenge and it felt good only for a few hours. Then nothing. That's how it feels being a vampire? I feel like I can break down the walls with my knuckles because of my anger.

I headed at the balcony, only to stare at the amazing city of New Orleans. The sun had just risen up and I could see the breaking dawn. Beautiful. This view somehow managed to calm me and distract me for my thoughts.

"What's in your troubled-mind love?" I heard Kol's voice who by the way was standing next to me, gazing at the sunrise.

"Why don't you dig in my head to find out?" I said sarcastically and he grinned.

"Aww that wouldn't be fun at all" he said and I smiled. "So?"

I turned my head to meet his darkened now eyes, only to make my heart melt. How hot he was! He had just woken up, his hair messier than ever, his soft lips reminding me his gentle kisses. And that half-naked body... I hadn't noticed how charming he was lately, I guess his sexy appeal, just drawn me like a magnet.

I guess he was surely a player back at 90's. Or actually, always being one. But seriously, how could it be, seeing Kol Mikealson as a human being? Was he always a moron or did it happen to be normal for a while?

"Are you done studying me darling?" he snapped, without glancing at me only with that significant smirk on his face.

Dammit, he saw me.

"I wasn't." I denied, but he only snickered and now I could see his gaze greeting mine.

"Whatever, I just love when I surprise you." he said and winked.

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