20. Nicolette

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Davina's POV:

I was staring from my balcony at the streets of the French Quarter. In my mind was still every little information I had received about "sirelines" and yet, I hadn't really thought about vampires who could possibly be as old as the Mikealsons.

Still, I couldn't understand this: Did the sirelines want to destroy the other Originals except their creator in order to become the strongest vampires, or they simply used this as an excuse as they were trying to conspire against their own sire?

But that's impossible right? The Mikealsons cannot die with any way, especially Klaus. And I have to make sure there is no possible way for someone to kill them, not only because if Klaus dies I die, but because Kol will also be in danger too. And Rebekah, and Elijah and Marcel and Josh...or at least, some of them. Yet, it won't be pretty to watch the people I care about die. That's not right.

A frustrated sigh escaped from my mouth as I bit my under lip. New faces, new enemies. How perfect is that?

And this Aya... Why would she offer me such a thing? She couldn't possibly think I would join the Strix. An alliance with an organization which wanted to protect Elijah? If I had to choose a Mikealson, that would always be Kol. Always.

So since she knew that I wouldn't choose to betray Kol and conspire against him, why would she offer this? I was confused and yet, I hadn't talked about it with anyone, not even with Kol but I would tell him eventually. Just not now because it's not as important as the things that came up.

Abruptly, my phone began to vibrate inside my pocket as I pulled it out, staring at the screen. It was Josh.

"Hey Josh. Is something wrong?"

"Actually, I just wanted to ask you about one thing. Do you know someone named Lucien Castle?"

Wasn't he the first vampire that was turned by Klaus?

I wrinkled my eyebrows, "Yeah, Why?"

"Well...Marcel is being a little neurotic and talks with Klaus about him. They said that he hides something and that he has probably something to do with, Tristan was his name I think? Yeah. Anyways, not only that but it's like something has changed in the Quarter and I just wanted to ask you if you know anything about this."

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