13. 30 Minutes Alive

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Davina's Pov:

What the hell..? Where am I?

I was in a cold place. That was the first thing that popped in my mind when I found my consciousness. I tried to see my surroundings, only to realize that I was tied up in a really big abandoned building. It was really huge and cold; there were small windows on the walls on the highest part of them. I have to reach them.

I looked at my wrists, which were tied up with a chain. But since I couldn't move them, it meant that there was vervain on the chains. Dammit.

That moment I raised my head and noticed him. I glared and my black veins appeared under my eyes. That bastard.

"Why?" I just asked and he tilted his head confused, with the creepy smile across his face.

"That's the question? Seriously? Aww I waited something like, 'how could you!' or 'You bastard! I trusted you!' " he scoffed and then laughed.

"I should have known it was you. The hoody, that creepy smile. It was you from the start." I hissed and he clapped his hands, obviously enjoying my weakness.
I was still dizzy and I felt weak. Did he make me drink vervain? Because I feel like I can barely keep myself conscious.

"Stupid girl. I had told you that day, remember? When I saw you for the last time. I told you, how easily you trust someone. Tsk, obviously you trusted me too. You put yourself in danger just to bring me that diamond" he laughed again and now I noticed.
Those blue eyes, didn't have any kindness like I thought before. They were darker than I remember and they definitely seemed like their owner had a craziness in him. A twisting mind.

"Perverted bastard...You killed my family!" I growled and tried to bite him, but he quickly stepped behind.

"Nasty little Claire. How did you survive? If that Original, your Kol, hadn't appeared, I would have finished you" he smiled and grabbed me from my neck. "But I will now"

"You said you were allies with my brother!" I said sharply and glared.

"Of course and we weren't! Actually, we were rivals. But when I learnt that your family belonged into a coven in New Orleans and that you were gonna be used to a ritual so your family would gain more power, I was soo mad! I couldn't let your brother be stronger than me! So I had to finish you..." he said and brought his face close to mine, "You were the target from the start Davina. It just happened to be some consequences before I would finish you off"

I stood there and stared with a blank look. So my family died because of my fault. Oh my god, I was thinking that this disgusting guy in front of me was my friend!

"The night of the Ritual you came and found me. You could kill me back then. Why didn't you?"

"Because your family was dead, I took that from you. Watching you dying was the second best thing in my life. If you wonder, the first one was your accident" he smiled again and I looked him straight in his eyes.

"You were there, weren't you? Your pathetic" I said and growled, turning my eyes into red.

"Look at what you've become. A monster. Your brother would be surely proud, huh?" he said ironically and he noticed how fast I was breathing. "Who's pathetic now?"

"Congrats, you got me tied up in a cold huge building. How do you feel? Because if you ask me, right now I imagine what taste your filthy blood will have" I said upset and smirked, as I saw his smile fading away.

"Smarty bitch, aren't we? Listen here you stupid coward" he said and grabbed me again from my neck, "Your gonna have the most painful death, alone, you heard me?! How do you feel for disappointing your dear Marcel and Kol?" he scoffed and I smiled.

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