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Pit pat pit pat pit pat.

Was it raining again? I couldn't really tell. My eyes could only focus on the streetlights, which illuminated the once dark road. The heels of my boots were clicking against the rough ground, syncing with the droplets of the rain as they touched its surface.

Now you could probably wonder, what is she doing there? and I, will reply, that I am waiting. I am patiently waiting and waiting, every night standing at the same spot and waiting. What was I waiting for? Him, of course.

I raised my head, letting a few raindrops fall on my face. I smiled at the cool feeling it gave me and continued with my stroll. How long has it been? Because indeed, I had lost the number a long time now. But when I think about it, perhaps it wasn't that long.

Two years is not a long time, is it?

The sound of a car honking at me made me step aside quickly, as the driver continued driving like a maniac in the middle of the night. What was wrong with people anyway? Did they really have a death wish? Did they really wanted to feel the agony and the pain? If he was just driving more carefully, maybe he could prevent a possible car accident.

I sighed. But what do I care? I wasn't there to judge the choices of people, but to clear my own thoughts.

I had been thinking my whole life ever since I came in New Orleans in detail; you could actually say that I am telling a story, a story with me the main protagonist. But ah, the irony. If my life was indeed a book or story, it would certainly be a tragedy.

I mean, let's count every time I was beaten up, heartbroken, deceived and dead. Now now, that's sounds really depressing all of a sudden. But it's the truth. The times when I was happy or truly avid were a handful, which equals to nothing. But that's fine, really. I had him after all.

He was wrong in so many ways. But he was kind in so many different ways. Is it bad, loving someone that much? Probably. Yes, probably it's the deadliest thing ever, to love someone as much as you love yourself.

Ever since that night, when Kol said he was going after Nicolette to kill her, honestly I thought he was joking. That he would be there when I woke up, waiting for me. But no. I was well-informed by his siblings that he had left to find her and take the white oak back. You know, waking up surrounded by Originals, excluding the one that you care the most about, is literally hurtful. Or perhaps, I wasn't that sad. Just...lonely.

And perhaps that's the reason I'm standing here and waiting you, Kol. Because of my actions back then.

Two years now I had been waiting for him to return. To keep this promise of his when he said we would get the hell out of that city together. A few years back, I was calling that city "my home" but, if you think about it, it was only the place that I lost so many people. My brother, my parents, my human life, Kendrix and now Kol.

So no, New Orleans wasn't my home. It was hell.

But let's not be that pessimistic. I had Marcel, and Josh, and Rebekah, and Cami. Even Elijah and Klaus you would say. Well, you could say that I consider them as my friends, if that's possible.

I inhaled a deep breath and shoved my hand in my pocket, unfolding the yellow-paged letter. How many times have I read this before? I don't even know why I took it with me.

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