Girly Gossip

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  • Dedicated to Ellie Stradling

Chapter 4 - Indi's POV

"This prom is gonna rock!" I said. We all lay on the floor looking up at the ceiling. We'd collapsed after non-stop giggling for an hour or so and hadn't got up since. I stared at the posters up on my roof - of Aaron; of Aaron, Noah, Seb and Oscar; of several other slightly less adored bands. I rolled onto my stomach and reached for a cookie but was instantly attacked by my two friends who'd suddenly regained life.

"Oi!" I yelled as Tabby, being the Speshal that she was, took a huge bite out of the biscuit I had in my hand. April just laughed, took a cookie for herself and started munching on it. I got another biscuit and began to eat it hungrily. They stared at me, waiting eagerly. I looked back. They knew most of the details of my meeting, but some I wanted to keep to myself for a bit. Like the scrap of paper that was now hidden in the back of an old photo frame - behind a picture of the three of us outside the leisure centre before ice skating one time.

"What? That's all there is to tell, ok! Anyway, how are you and Luke, hey Tabs, hmm, what's going on with you guys?" I said. They looked at one another knowingly, yes I was trying to deflect attention from me, although I genuinely did want to know about what was going on in my friends worlds.

Luke seemed alright, we'd known him for a while - he had started hanging out with us a couple of months back and had quickly asked our Speshal Tabby Kat out (we all have numerous nicknames, it's what comes of having so many inside jokes and memories together!). He really seemed to like Tabs and he was funny and added another dimension to our ever expanding group. There were nine of us at the minute: Me, Tabby, April and then Elle, Alexis and the rest. Occasionally Blake hung about with us too but most of the time he was too busy swanning around trying to impress random girls with his 'Skills'.  

"Yeah, it's all going well. He finally asked me to the dance in chemistry today by the way, so now we just need to sort you two out with dates!" she replied, "and...he kissed me!"

Apes and I looked at her quizzically, both thinking the same thing - we know, you've kissed before...right in front of us. Tabby seeming to understand our facial expressions looked at us pointedly and then whispered "like properly kissed."  

"You did tongues! Haha! You had a big fat tongue sandwich with Luke. Eww," squealed April, bursting out laughing once again. This then set us all off, discussing the 'technical' side of this particular manoeuvre in fits of giggles.

Later on we were still laughing about KitKat's pained and long winded explanation of the 'French Kiss' as we set about searching the internet and numerous magazines for dresses for the dance. We quickly decided that purple was the colour of choice this year but after a further two hours of painstaking trawling of the web still hadn't found much we liked. A proper shopping trip was definitely required.

* * *

"Pssst! pssst! Oi!" I whispered at April, who was sprawled half asleep across both her own and Tabs' blow-up bed, "So who do you think is going to ask you then Apes?" 

She sat up and crossed her long tanned legs underneath her. We were all pretty tanned actually, which was strange as we lived in Scotland where it was permanently raining or freezing cold. I was part Greek and so had quite dark olive skin; April had some Cypriot in her blood and so had a lovely golden colour and Tabby was just naturally quite a tanned person.  

She looked a little worried at the question but answered anyway.

"Erm, well I don't know, cause Blake's always hanging around flirting and stuff, but then again I quite like Will. You know from my P.E. Class? But...what happens if no one asks me and I have to go alone?" 

I was astounded at her insecurity, this was April - my best friend and one of the prettiest girls in school, whom the majority of guys fancied. She had gorgeous longish red brown hair and a cute freckled face. Her eyes were big and a lovely bluey grey and it didn't matter what she wore she always looked beautiful.

"April Louise Stradling. You WILL get asked to the prom. You WILL because you are stunning and amazing and everyone loves you. If you don't then half the guys will be kicking themselves when you turn up looking lovely and they're with some slapper." Tabby said firmly, " Also either Blake will ask you or Will shall, so I wouldn't be worried. If they both ask you just need to decide who you'd rather go with. A tall, fit blonde with beautiful blue eyes or a hot dark haired guy who has been flirting with you for like, forever?"

But evidently she was asleep as there was a lack of reply and heavy breathing. We sat in the silence for a bit not saying anything, until Tabby took the conversation back full-circle to me  

"And who is going to take you then Indi? Huh? How about Leo? He seems nice, what about him then?" I just sighed and closed my eyes. I knew who I wanted to take me to the dance. I knew it would never happen but I could dream huh? We would float round the dance floor, under twinkling lights, all the other people admiring us. If only...

* * *

I felt a strange breeze swishing over my face. Something tickled my nose and I had a weird feeling I was being watched. 

"Indiiiii. Indiiiii! INDIII!" a loud shout woke me. I opened my eyes and saw two pairs of eyes staring at me, two noses practically touching my own, hair hanging down over my face.  

"Get off! I was having a lovely dream until you woke me up! Urgh!" I moaned at them, "And get off my legs, I can't move."

"Oh Lordy Bee, someone's moany this morning," April replied, followed by an insane and rather annoying laugh. I buried my head into my pillow some more.

"Get up!" screamed Tabby, " We're going out!"

Hi Guys! Sorry it's taken so long, I was working last week at a primary school with all the little kids and teaching them how to ride bikes and stuff :) it was dead funny. Anyway... I got a bit stuck until just now and finished this chapter. Hopefully the next one won't take so long.  

Just wanna say thanks for all your support and would be grateful for any votes and fans and comments you can spare, or help spread news about it!  

So thank you so much, I love you xxx you are the best, and wanna say hi to Ellie who is April, Kate who is Tabby - they're my besties ever!  

Also do you like the new cover? My model is my friend Kate - how pretty is she? <3 luv ya bubz x and the chapter is dedicated to Ellie- look she's so pretty too! X 

I realise I've been gibbering on for ages now but I like talking and hearing from you all!! 

Finally, would you guys vote on a cast for the story, preferably British actors but if thats too difficult then Americans or others will do :) 

Byeeeeee xxx Stargirlx27

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