She's Such A Little Party Girl

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To millypuppy01 , because you've been a massive fan since the beginning and bug me to post when I haven't done so and also because it's your birthday today! Happy Birthday :P

Seven hours. 

Six hours. 

Five hours.

They all dragged by so slowly. My iPod was on a steady loop of tunes, loud in my room but almost non-existent over the excited babble of voices in my head. 

'Ahhh! I can't wait! The whole thing is going to be amazing! I'm so happy I can't stop grinning, and now my cheeks are aching. But it's all great and fine and wonderful because this prom is going to be superfluous. It shall outpass all other proms before it with it's amazingness. That's how awesome it's going to be. Simply perfect. Four hours from now I will be there, in the hall with my friends, in my brand new dress, dancing to his voice. Bliss. Quiet, calm and peaceful. That is what I am right now. Yes. Hush. Ahhh.' 

And it went on. There's a funny churning but ecstatic feeling in my stomach that grows and turns. One minute I feel really hyper and like I need to jump up and down for a bit; then the next I just feel sick. Sick and worried. I have no idea why really but there you go. I keep going through my checklist of things I have to do before it's time to go.  

1. Have a bath; a big bubbly one with my favourite strawberry scent. Check. So now I'm wearing my big fluffy purple dressing gown and slippers over some clean pyjamas I threw on. 

2. Get my dress out. Check. it's hanging on it's hanger from my curtain rail, in it's plastic cover so nothing spoils it.  

3. Paint my nails. Also check. They have been done French manicure style, which I feel is simple and classy for the occasion. I had a woman do them earlier at the salon and I am very impressed  with them. I love doing my nails but they look so much more professional now. So they are done and that is one less thing to stress about. 

4. Hair and make-up. Not check. But Mum has booked me a hair stylist and make-up artist as a treat! Exciting! I've never had all this special treatment before. They should both be here in the next hour or so.

5. Do not stress about the prom. Err...I think I may be being optimistic with that one. It can come off the list I've decided. It was never going to happen. Every spare second I get and I starting imagining that somehow something will go wrong and it will all be a complete disaster. So I am keeping myself busy. 


"Ha! Beat you!" I yelled at Dani as I crossed the finish line in my little car. 

"That's because this is the only track you're any good at!" She told me bluntly. 

We'd been playing MarioKart Wii for about three quarters of an hour now and despite the cramp in my right hand I had pushed through the pain to bring home the medal. Baby Mairo - you done me proud boy! 

"So not! Fine, do another one. The one with the waterfall, I'm good at that one," I instructed by little sister who just stared back at me stupidly. She raised an eyebrow slowly and curled her lip. 

"No, Indi. That's the one you always fall down the waterfall in." She then proceeded to do a lovely impressions of me saying something about how I was winning, I was winning, oh no the waterfall has pulled me down again. 

"Not on about this again are we?" Zac asked as he strode through the living room on his way to get food no doubt. How does he even know what we're on about? He's been in his room the whole time.  "Face it lil' sis', you suck at MarioKarts!"

I growled at him. I did not suck. I wasn't the best at it, sure, but I wasn't that bad. Jeez! Give us a break. 

"Fine!" I retorted, "But I bet you three donuts that you Zachary, won't beat me at Just Dance!" 

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