Dates, Dilemmas and Down-right Stupidity

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New title too - the old one was too long and not very catchy, so I changed it! :) I dedicated this chapter to SanayaKant since she thought of it :P

And to the left are 3 new covers! Which one do you like best? :P Tell me >>>>>

Chapter 13: Indi's POV

"They coming back anytime soon you reckon? It's one now. Walking round a dark park can't really be that exciting can it? It is Luke after all! I'd forgive her if it was like...Aaron or Oscar from B.F.U. but he's just a normalish guy," April said.

True. Luke isn't the best looking guy in the world. He isn't the worst but he's probably - in mine and certainly April's opinion - below average. But then again Tabby goes for personality over looks generally speaking. We still have to educate her that an even balance is better than going for a complete minger who is hilarious, interesting and intelligent. For the kids' sake at least!

And what did April say about Aaron? She'd be okay if Tabby Kat went out with him because he's famous and a complete babe? I'd be way jealous! What will they say when I tell them? When am I going to tell them actually? Not yet, but soon. I don't like keeping this from them - especially as it's so huge. It's quite stressful work keeping a relationship secret; I just want to yell it for everyone to hear! Or at least tell my friends in a normal if somewhat super excited tone of voice. But it was my decision to keep it to ourselves for a bit and so I shall stick to it.

"Hmm...I don't know. Should be soon," I spoke up after thinking for a bit, "Anyway...I want the gossip on you and your two lovers Apes! Saucy!"

She gave me a silly half-grin and laughed before going silent. Uh oh, what'd happened now?

* * *

"So then I said goodbye again and came back in," she finished after spewing the inside story on her evening with Will and Blake. I nodded, chewing over the situation in my mind.

A crashing and banging downstairs brought me back to my senses so I got up and pelted to see what was going on. Nothing. Tabby had opened the front door with such force it had nearly smashed through the wall and then tripped on the mat and fell flat on her face. The expression on her face was just hilarious - embarrassed but still laughing.

"What the hell was that?" Dani yelled from the stairs.

"Tabby, being thick as usual. She seems to have a lack of coordination. Have you been drinking bubz?" She shook her head. Nope, just being special. Was this girl ever normal? I knew the answer.

April and I hauled her up the stairs back to my room before slumping onto the floor.

"You missed the gossip!" I told Tabby.

"But I like gossip, tell me gossip people!!!"

I glanced at Apes who sighed. She was tired already; she's always the first of us to fall asleep. She's also always the first to wake up. Which isn't great seeing as she has a weird morning laugh that's really really loud and annoying. April waved at me to tell me to explain everything to Tabby.

"Right, basically, you know Blake and Will have both been chasing after April for ages now?" Tabby nodded.

"Well after you and Luke left for your extremely long moonlit walk, we all carried on playing Spin the Bottle and Apes had to kiss Blake. And so they kissed. Now however, I have been informed that when everyone went home, Will was the last to leave and when Apes went to say goodbye... He kissed her!" I relayed the information excitedly.

That got a big "Ooooooooooh!!!" from Tabby.

I continued, "A proper snog. Apparently he pushed her against the wall."

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