Chapter 104~!

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"Where did churro cart even come from?" America wondered from his spot next to me on the sand. It was Day Two of our vacation, and I was enjoying every second I could.

I glanced up and saw Spain handing Italy said baked good from a cart, one like an ice cream cart you'd see in a park. The ecstatic Italian smiled and thanked Spain before floating over and sitting next to me. "Vee~ I like-a Spain's churros! Do you want a bite?"

I grinned and nodded, taking a large bite from his churro before turning back to America. "I dummo, ish hawd to shay. Ashk him."

"Y'know, you're lucky I speak Fullmouth-ese," he laughed before standing and going over to the Spaniard. "Hey, Tonio? Where did you keep that churro cart? I didn't see it on the boat at all!"

A churro was put into America's hands before Spain answered. "This bag~ it's magical, it holds a lot of things." He held up a small, plain sack proudly. "It's Kadi's."

America laughed skeptically. "Oh yeah sure, like you fit an entire churro cart in this tiny thing!" He took the bag and opened it, peering inside. What he saw must have been pretty incredible because he gasped loudly and stuck his head in. "Holy shit, this is awesome!"


America yanked his head out like a bolt of lightning had struck his rear end, and a teenage version of Vale's head popped out the neck of the bag. "Daddy, what are you doing with Mommy's bag?"

"V-Vale? Sweetie, what the he-eck? You're a... You're a teenager!"

"Yeah, Mom decided it was time for me and the boys to grow up again since she has the twins now." She grinned cheerily at me, who was frozen in surprise. "Hi, Aunt Melina!"

"H-Hi there," I replied unsurely.

She turned back to her dad. "Okay, Dad, I'm having alone time with Russia so could you keep it down?"

That made America's expression morph faster than I'd ever seen it change. "You are doing what with who?"

"Playing with Russia! Y'know, playing house and stuff."

"Why with Russia, sweetie?" His voice was bursting with the restraint it took not to go in there and murder the former Communist.

"Because Ivan is my friend and he doesn't mind," she said strongly. 'Is she going back between acting like a child and a teenager, or am I imagining things?'

Then Vale ducked back into the bag and Russia's head popped up. "You called?"

"Yeah, stay away from my daughter you Commie bastard," America said angrily, but Russia only laughed.

"She's grown up now, America. She can make her own decisions." The he was gone, and America was practically inside the bag as he tried to beat up the tall Russian country.

"-the following audio has been censored for the same of this story's rating. We apologize for the possible inconvenience-"

Rayn wrapped her arms around his waist and yanked him out of there while Spain took the bag back. "Hey, America! Calm down, he isn't gonna do anything to her! She's safe with him, who cares?"

"Who cares? Who cares? That's my little girl!" America shouted, trying to get the bag back from Spain with no luck. "You stay away from her, you Commie bastard!"

"He's starting to sound like Romano," I commented to Italy, who giggled at that idea and swirled his fork in a random plate of pasta.

When I looked back to America, Rayn had pulled him down to more of her height and she was petting his hair, calming him down. "Shush, alright? She's big now, you'll have to let her make her own decisions eventually."

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