Where were you part two song

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I and my friends decided to hang out once I got out of the hospital. I consider Jane and I to be the normal ones.  Me and Jane use to be in a band but because of me moving I could be in to.

“Jane is you still in that band.” She looks at me and nodded


“How is everyone.”

“Miss you is all worried about you.”


“We all care about you Angel why would we want something bad to happen to you.” Jane goes on.

“Who said anything bad was going to happen to me.”  They all look at me.

“You tend to act…..” Panda said as we walked to the dot.


“Oh well I’m fine.” They all nodded their heads. We reach the dot and I find Drew and Fiona and his fiancé there I ignore them.

“Hi Meg!” one of their making me stand there and now I half to walk three feet (which is to far) and say hi.

“Hey peoples of another universe in which I don’t decent with.”

“What.” Drew said.


“Where Adam?” Fiona asked.

“Off being Adam someplace where Adam’s Rome.”

“oh.” The girl said. I stand there awkwardly and leave. Someone recognizes Jane and talks to her I sit down and began to draw then drew’s Fiancé walked over to me. I looked up from my paper and she smiled at me and sat down next to me.

“hi.” She said.” I nodded at her. “what are you up to.”


you like to draw.”

“yup.” The way she talked to me wasn’t like I was a four year old someone who was shy and hurt kind of like the way I was.

“Adam says you like Bagel’s. You want one.”


“May I ask you something?” I sighed and looked at her

“Sure, shoot.”

“what did you eat for breakfast?”



“Um I didn’t eat lunch.”

“What do you eat on the norm.”


“Three times a day.”

“Once a day I guess I didn’t know I ate little.”

“Don’t your parents feed you.”

“No I have no family.”

“Oh. Ok well I’m going to get you a sandwich so I’ll be right back.” She forgot up and went across the street. Why did she want to be nice to me it wasn’t fair. I didn’t deserve it. She came back and gave me a sand witch. “you like turkey.”

“you’re not my mom stop treating me like I’m your best friend.” She rolled her eyes and left and I continued to draw

Later that day it was late afternoon when there was a knock on the door. I see Alex go and answer it. I spent the whole day with my friends so they wore me out. I hear mumbles and continue to write.

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