Over the Rainbow part two

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Adam’s POV

It was early morning and I came down to eat.

“Morning drew.” I said as I scavenged the fridge for some food.

“You know Bianca talked to Meg yesterday.”

“Bianca still talks to you.”

“Yes and she was wondering why she gets called names.” I set a glass of milk on the table.

“What do you mean.”

“She brought up a good pint that people have to be calling her names for a reason.” I sighed knowing he didn’t know the half of it.”

“Names like what.”

“Like a whore and what not.”

“she gets called that because in her passed they found out about her dad and accused her of liking it.”

“and now?”

“people call Bianca a slut for no reason.” He nodded and put some bread in the toaster.

“I’m just looking out for you bro.”

“why am I the only one who trust Meg.”

“it not like we don’t trust her we want you to be safe.”

“I’m fine she’s not she needs help.” Then my mo.

“that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.” I stared at my mom she was eves dropping. “after all the attempts she’s made why doesn’t she have a therapist. I’ll try to find her one if that’s ok.”

“I don’t know if she wants help mom.”

“she needs it.” I nodded knowing she was right. I sat down and ate my toast while we all talked about Meg. I think my mom was coming around to her. Like she wanted her to be a part of this family. There was a knock at the door. It was Meg.


I show up at Adams door tired like always. I don’t understand why I was always tired I got enough sleep at night. Maybe it was my diet. Adam gets up and answers.

Is that door like not locked like ever.”

“it is.” Adam laughed. I stare at the door for a few seconds then walk into the kitchen.

“I stopped buying bagels since you eat them all and you don’t live here.”  Mrs. Torres said.

“Whaaatt girl you cray.” I said she looks at me I sit down and smile innocently.

“I’m serious Meg you can’t come in here and eat our food.”

“I don’t just your bagel.” She looked at me serious. “I’m serious Mrs. Torres I ate only your bagles.”

“still don’t they feed you at the home.”

“Yea but..”

“But what.”

“I’m the oldest girl there and I’m in charge of the kids because the older guys don’t do anything so I feed them. I never have time to eat they eat up all the bagels. And spaghetti I eat that too. Mrs. Torres sat down and sighed.

“want some toast.”

“Good lord no.” he stared at me. “ I don’t like it and no I don’t consider myself to have an eating disorder I am just a picky eater.”

“Yea you hate everything but bagels.’

“No I like fruits and sweets and chicken and fries and cookies and other foods. I just have time to sit and eat.”

“you should rest.”

“suuurreee. I’m always busy.” She sighed again. I got up and walked away.”

“where are you going? She asked.

“Am I making you mad.’ I said tearing up

“Heavens no.” I sat back down across from her.  She looked down. “how would you feel about going to therapy.” I looked at her.

“I can’t go they’ll lock me up!”


“in a psych ward.”

“If it will help you get beeter.”

“All they do is locking you up. With crazier people than you one time my roommate peed on the floor in the hopes that I would leave she peed everywhere man EVERYEHERE! It doesn’t work”

“Will therapy help they don’t have people who pee everywhere.”

“Maybe I don’t know I’ll think about it, it could help.” I sat there think about how therapy ccould help. Then I get a text from Bianca.

Hey do you want to go shopping to day

Shopping where

At the mall just me and you


I don’t know for fun I’ll [pay for anything you want


I’ll pick you up an 2

I’m at Adam’s

Ew I don’t want to see drew

Ok ill put something over him to hide his ugly face

Ha-ha no I’ll just text you when I’m out side.

Ok I sat there and ate a bowl of  otmeal.

When two o clocks came around. I told Adam what I was going to do. He nodded,. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I got in Bianca’s car and buckled up.

“You ready.”


“Did you eat.”


“You need to eat.” She said looking at me.

“I did Mrs. Torres gave me oatmeal to eat.”

“good.” She stared her car and we pulled off.” When we got to the mall, she parked the car and we got out. We walked into the building and Bianca turned to me and said.

“what stores do you like to go shopping in.”

“any.” I said. So we went into JCpenny and I looked up all the clothes I want.”

“Meg do you like this shirt?” Bianca said holding up a pink tee.”

“no.” I picked up an dark muliti colored shirt thanks said Leedle leedle lee on it.

“That’s a weird shirt.”

“Good I like weird.” She shrugged. I had no idea why she was being nice to me. When we got to the register everything I bought cost about 700$. “um I can take some back.” I told her. She smiled and shook her head. She swiped her credit card and it was paid for.” I didn’t shop just for me I shopped for everyone I loved and knew my brother Adam the kids at the home. Even Mrs. Torres.

I thanked Bianca for the shopping spree and went inside I gave everyone their gifts. I lied back down and though how nice Bianca was to me. I don’t know why she was maybe it was because I’m going though so much and se has too. Maybe she just wants to help me. I dont know. I turned over in my bed and fell asleep.

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