Chapter six Another woman part one

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I looked at her as if she announced the end of war.

“What! Who wants me?”

“”Ms. Dylan.” I smiled big. I couldn’t believe I was getting adopted again.

“That’s great.” Adam said.

“Yea but most likely she is going to get tired of me.” I shrugged.

“She wants to meet you tomorrow and you will be leaving the next day.” I smiled then frown.

“Will still be going to Degrassi.”

“I’m afraid not Megan you will be moved to North Virginia.” I looked down.

“oh.” I sat down. I didn’t want to leave Adam. He was my world  I looked the floor. Adam puts his hand on my back. I look at him with tears stinging my eyes. He tried to hug me I push him off ran into my room. I sat on my bed. There was knocking a few minutes later.

“Meg.” It sounded like Adam. He opened my door. “Meg.”

“You’re going to leave me.” I said. He walked in and sat next to me.

“Do you think we can make it?” 

“No you would cheat on me.”

“No I wouldn’t.


“You don’t trust me?” I looked him dead in the eye.

“Not to the point where I feel as if you wouldn’t cheat on me.” He looked hurt and scoffed

“Fine then.” He stood up. “I guess we’re done.” I close my eyes

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“no meg I’m really happy for you I just wish you know…” he trailed off. Then he started towards the door



“if I come back promise me you’ll be mine.”

“I don’t care if you never come back I’ll wait for you.” I smiled and he walked out. I sat there as tears rolled down my face and watched him out my window as he walked to a car. I opened my window. He turns around and looks around to see who called his name. Then he spotted me.


“Can you come over to meet my mum with me I don’t want to do it alone?”

 “Yea I’ll be here.” I smiled at him

My last day at degrassi was filled with tears and good byes.

“You can’t go you just got here.” Imogen said

“It won’t be the same without you.” Fiona added. I hugged them both.

“I hope you find a whole bunch of bagels.” Imogen said.

“I’ll miss you both everyone I made bunch of new friends here you all mean so much to me. The bell rang. I had already told Tristan and Maya and Claire and Eli I was leaving. I gave them all one final hug I went to my locker to clean it out. Then I hear an

“Ahem.” I look to see who was standing there, it was Adam.


“Do you know what time your mom will be there.”

“Her flight comes at 7 and her other flight leaves at 11 my flight leaves at noon tomorrow.”

“So I’ll come at 6:30 then.”

“No, I want you to come right after school.” He stared at me. “ I want to spend the most time I can with you before I go Adam, you were the best guy I ever had.”  He looked down.  “I’m still sorry.”

“Stop blaming yourself for everything. Ok.” He kissed my cheek.” I look at my razor that was in my locker I was thinking about throwing it away. “what are you doing.” He said. I shrugged and threw my razor blade in my bag.

“Let’s go.” I said. When we get to my house we sat in my room in awkward silents. He began to roam my room.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you taking your blades with you.”


“I don’t want you to harm yourself anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” he reached in my back and pulled out my Razor. “ oh, yea.”

“Don’t ok.”


“What if you harm yourself too deep and you these no one there who will be able to save you. You could die.”

“Adam.” I say I get up and walk over to him I take the blade from his hands, kiss his cheek  and walk over to the trash can. I take a deep breath and I throw it away. I walk over to my bed reach under it and pulled out a large shoe box. Adam came behind me and look I looked at him and opened it. He gasped. In side there were 5 bloody razors a bloody knife a gun and a bloody switch blade. The knife had the words end it all writing on it because before I used it I took a picture of it pitting it in my mouth with my hair a mess and making a roar face. It was my face book picture.

I tug on my sleeves these objects reminding me of the scars on my body. I took the box and put it in the trash I winced as I did so. I sniffed as tears spilled from my eyes.

“In 10 years I’ve never throw away  my stuff.” I said to him looking at the ground. “But as long as I’m away.” I sniffled. “I’ll suffer just for you.” I turn to him. He was just standing there looking concerned at me. “Just for you.” I said my voice breaking.”

“I’ll never understand you.” He said. I looked up at him. “Your obsession over bagels and your desire to self harm doesn’t mix but that’s who you are and I could never love another girl as much as I love you.”

“I’ll miss you.”

“You thin...Maybe…I could come with...” I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Possible I have to by my ticket.”

“I have enough money.”

“Ok um if you want to I guess but I’d have to sneak you into the house.”

“Um ok.”  I looked at him.

“You love me so much that you follow me all the way into the states.”

“Yea better than being her without you.”

“What about your family.”

“I don’t know that lady but I don’t want you to get hurt and have no one.” I smiled at him. He walked over to me and hugged me. I rested my head on his shoulders.

Later that night I met my mom. I introduced her to Adam as my boyfriend. She seemed super nice. I told her things about me and stuff. Once she left so did Adam. He said he would leave school early and meet me at the air port.

At the airport I waited impatiently for him.

“Meg!!!” I turn to see him with two bags. I hug him.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask him. He nodded. I walked up to the desk and told  the lady.

“Two tickets for the North Virginia flight please.” And she gave us our tickets.”

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