Put it out part two

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When I woke up I looked over my shoulder to see Adam staring at me with his adorable blue eyes.

“Well good morning stalker.” I said to him he pulled me in closer and laughed.

“How am I stalking you?”

‘You were staring at me so therefore you stalk me.” He held me tight.

“Oh ok. Now missy what do you want for breakfast.”

“Not to go to school or dance practice today.”

“That reminds me what happened in dance that made you feel the way you did.”

“Again I’ll tell you later.” I kissed his cheek and got up and took a shower. When I got out I put on my black shirt that said in white wispy letter LoveOtomy. And my white skinny jeans that were ripped at the knee. I curl my hair and walk out. “Adam do you think I gained weight.”


“You not just saying that honestly.”

“I’m not your fine love why.”

“Just wondering feels like I gained weight.”  

“Well you didn’t.” I smiled at him and walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

“I’m going to go home and get ready for school I’ll see you there ok.” He pecked my lips and headed out. I was still confused on when I should tell him. I mean I wanted to do what my heart wanted but what if that wait was too long and he grew impatient. I sighed and gathered my bag and started to head for the door. I was planning on walking to school since I though Bianca want here.

“hey.”  She her voice caught me off guard.

“hey.” I said.

“So what happened last night?”

“Nothing I was…upset.”

“About what.” She came walking towards me.

“Nothing.” I lied.

“Hmmm ok so if you’re upset about something that nothing is something”

“What” I asked confused.

“Nothing something was wrong care to share.”

“It’s just theses girls at school are giving me a hard time.”

‘Ok and what are you doing about this.”


“Meg you need to do something about it. Rather if it standing up for yourself fighting back or telling someone who could help you.” I looked at her for a long time. She was right. I needed to tell someone. I decided to start with her.

“ok so um theses girls Tori and Katie last time in dance took me and beat me they call me fat and ugly and they make me feel shameful. Last time in dance the striped me and made fun of my scars.” She just stood there with her mouth open staring into space.

“You should definitely not listen to them and stand up to them and if that doesn’t work tell a higher power.”

“Like god?”

“No like Simpson.”

“oh.” I looked down Bianca lifted my head by placing her hand under my chin.

“And always walk with you head up no matter crappy you feel.” She looked at me sternly and then smiled. I nodded.  And began to walk to school when Bianca said. “you don’t want anything to eat.”

“No I’m fine.”

“You want me to drive you to school.”

“No I want to walk to school today it’s nice.”

Ok I’ll see you there.” It truly was a nice day, but truth be told I didn’t want to go to school. Tori and Katie were there waiting for me to walk through the door. But still if I didn’t show Bianca and Adam would worry about me. I didn’t want them to worry.

Now that I told Bianca about my problems, I was now ready to tell Adam. I sat in the garden area outside and began to write. Than I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Hey.”  It was Adam.

“herro.” I said. He sat down beside me. I sighed. “What s wrong?” he asked.

“Adam, we need to talk.” He looked at me worried.

“About what love?”

“What’s been going on?”

“Between us?”

“No with…” I paused. “Me and some people in this school”


“Before I tell you who I want to tell you what they did.”


“So these people first of all gave me a note saying you were breaking up with me. They call me fat like all the time they thing I’m ugly. Then recently they took my clothes and made fun of me because of my scars.” I looked down. Then I looked at Adam’s face which looked worried.

“Who are these people.”

“Tori and Katie.”


“yes.” He stood up.

“What are you doing?”

“Stay here and this time I mean stay.”  He got up and left this timed I did wahat he said. It was only girls Adam wouldn’t hit a girl…right.

Adam POV

I walked up to Katie, I found her in the science room.

“Hey Katie.” I said.

“yes.” She turned around to face me.

“I know you don’t know me but why are you making fun of Meg.” She smiled.

“You’re her boyfriend aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Your girlfriends weak she needs a back bone that’s all I’m trying to do.” That offended me.

“You don’t know how strong she is you don’t know what she has been through!”

“You mean lost her mind that can’t be too hard.”  I sighed I didn’t want to fight her.

“Katie just…stops.”

“And if I don’t.” she put her hands on her hips.

“You…you’ll regret it.” I said and walked out.

When I got home that night I found Meg lying in my bed.

“Meg what are you doing. There was no answer. I assumed she was asleep. I crept into the bed next to her only to be awaken hours later by a wet moisture be between my legs. I looked down and saw a small dot of red

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