By heart , by soul part two

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It was a Wednesday morning at I was nervous. Why was I so nervous  you ask because I signed up for dance and today was the auditions. I couldn’t wait they were after school.

“You seem jumpy today.” My friend Eli said walking up with his girlfriend Claire Edwards and  my boyfriend Adam Torres.

“Yea because today’s the dance auditions.”

“Oh.” Claire said. “I didn’t know you like to dance.”

“A lot of people don’t know a lot about me they just think they do, but in reality the only thing they know about me is my name.” 

“Where do you come up with these things?” Claire asked.

“What things.”

‘Your quotes and stuff.”

“Oh I don’t really know.” 

“so maybe after the auditions you’d like to help me study for my math Exam.” Eli asked, “Adam said you were quite the Einstein.”

“I’m not Einstein but I can be smart when needed. Yea I’ll help you. I close my locker.”

“K we’ll meet up at Adams place.” I was confused at why we needed to meet at Adam’s house or why Claire needed to be there, but I decided not to question it.

“ok I’ll see you guys let’s say 6 ok.” They all agreed and I headed off to class.

After  school I had my audition. I decided to dance to because of you by Kelly Clarkson. I called the dance daddy. Well if you listen to the lyrics you would understand why. When I was done the judges gave me feedback. It was really good feedback. I had to work on some things because you know no one’s perfect but they say if I’m on the team I’ll be working on those skills.

I heard Katie and Tori laugh in the audience. They obliviously thought my dance was bad. When the judges were done judging I gather my things and walk out. I walk past Katie and Tori and I hear Katie said.

“The whole time she was dancing you could see her rolls jiggle.” I look down. I needed to lose weight. When I got to Adam’s place I knock on the door. I was an hour early. There was no answer. I knock again and  wait for an answer there was nothing. I take out my phone and text him.

I’m outside Adam open the door, wait its probably unlocked so I’m coming in and I was right the door was unlocked. I walk in and put my bag on the couch.

“Adam.” I say. “Adam are you home?” I look at my phone, he never texted back. I began to get worried. I ran upstairs to his room and knock on his door.

“Adam? Adam are you in there please be ok love.”

“Go away!” I hear him scream.

“Adam loves what’s wrong!” I try to open the door but it was locked.

“I said go away.”

“It’s me Meg.”

“I don’t care who you are go the hell away!” he screamed.

“Adam!” I screamed. I could hear him crying. I started to do knock down the door. Then I ran down the stairs and went outside. I enter their opened garage and grabbed a ladder and stick it next to the window Adam’s room was in. I started to climb it and enter in his window. I land on the floor and look for Adam. He was lying on the floor crying. I ran to him and held him close.

“Adam it’s me meg.” He was curled into a ball just crying he had on a black t shirt anno pants. I held him close. Adam? Adam!” he started to calm down as I began to rock him in my arms. “What’s wrong.” I ask when he finally calms down. He looked at me and tells me.

“I’m just nothing ok they were all right about me I’m nothing you can do way better than me.”

“What do you mean my lovely?”

“All the bullying and the pain there right.”

“There still harassing you.”

“No it’s you they were looking for you. I told them to go away and they hurt me again.”

“Why did you that they were looking for me so they would leave you alone. I hate to see you in pain my love.” He sniffled.”

“I don’t want you hurt anymore ok you need to stop suffering ok.”

“I’m fine.”

“Maybe I should be the one who ends it.”

“No!” I held him closer.” He started to fidget.”

“no your wrong I should.” I held him close and began to sing to him.

if you were a road

I’d learn every turn til I

Could find my way with my eyes close

If you were a song I’d sing along til I

Knew every word and every note

But you are everything to me a mystery

You’re the love I live to see

By heart, by soul

That’s how I want to know you

Keep you as close as

Breath is to life

Want to watch

Your love


By heart (by heart) , by soul

If you were a place

I’d stay my whole life til I

Had every corner memorized

And if you were a star

I’d follow you home you would be

The light that is my only guide

You are everything to me

My A to Z

It would be forever


By heart, by soul

That’s how I want to know you

Keep you as close as

Breath is to life

Want to watch

Your love


By heart (by heart) , by soul

I want to know you in side and out

Better than I even know myself

By heart, by soul

(by heart, By soul)

That’s how I want to know you

Keep you as close as

(keep you as close as)

Breath is to life

Want to watch

Your love


By heart (by heart) , by soul

If you were a star I’d follow you home

by heart, by soul

Once I was done singing that he had fell asleep in my arms. I take him and carry him to his bed I tuck home in and cuddle with him and fall asleep in his arms.

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