Essential state part two

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Once I told Simpson what was going on he said he would take care of it. I woke up in my bed and looked at the clock. Yes it was finally Saturday one of the days I was so happily in love with. I sat up in bed feeling refreshed then my phone buzzed.

“someone always has to text me when I wake up.” I say to myself. The test was from Adam and It read

 Today me and my brother and mom were going to visit family up north and my mom asked if you could house sit.  I decided to take that in a funny way.

 You want me to sit on your house. I didn’t know your house needed to be sat upon.

Lol not literally silly my mom asked for you to watch our house while we were gone

How long are you going to be gone?

The whole day we should be back by late tonight

 Oh, you’re leaving to day

Yes I am

Oh ok um yea sure I can I am doing nothing for the day

Great can you make your way over here now?

Sure.  So I got all my clothes ready. I hoped in the shower and brushed my teeth. I put all my stuff in a bag that I normally use. Like my books and stuff. Then I told Bianca were I was going. She  said ok. Then I made my way down to their house.

When I got there I knocked on the door. Mrs. Torres Answered.

“hi Meg. Uh its nice of you to do this short notice.”

“It’s no problem Mrs. Torres.” I walked in.

“What’s in your bag?” Drew asked while they had things already.

“everything I need for a day of not being home.”

‘feel free to watch TV or anything and meg?” she looked at me.


“Try not to eat up all the food here we need to eat too when we get back.” I smiled at her.

“No worries I won’t.” she smiled at me.

“Just in case there are bagels in the fridge help yourself.”

“Cool. Are you leaving now?”

Yes me have to leave no in order to get there by noon.” Mrs. Torres said. I smiled at her and said.

“No worries Mrs. T your house shall be sated upon like no other house.” Adam laughed and gave me a hug. Drew groaned and left. And Mrs. Torres said.

“Oh. Brother. There is a list of things over there by the fridge. That’s a list of things that need to be in a certain way.” I walk over there and grab the list. I read it.

“oshay, oshay.” I got it.

“I’m worried the hose will be burned to ashes when we come back.”

“No it will be fine.” I sit on the couch and looked at her.

“fine.” She said grabbing her bag. “stay safe ok.” I nodded at her and she left. I took out my homework and began to work on it.

*                                                                    *                                                                                  *

Hours later when I was finish with my home work I had my hair back in a pony tail and my black thick glasses on. I turned on the TV and a documentary on the universe was on. I started to pay attention. It ended up to be a marathon. I sat there eyes glued t the TV. There was a noise. I didn’t pay much attention to it so I sat there.

Then I heard voices and I jumped up. It was already dark in the house. I had forgotten to turn on the lights.

“Who is there?”

“look there is someone here get her!” someone ran towards me. I could make out two men in black. I scream. He tackles me and tries to fight him. I had no idea what time it was but it was dark outside.  I squirmed and tried to punch him while the other guy seemed to robbing the place. I wanted to let out a scream but he had my mouth covered. I manage to remove it.

“What are you guys doing.” I ask

“Obviously robbing the place. Nice place by the way.”

“it’s no mine so stop.”

“ohh.” The guy who held me down said. They both had thick accents. I would say they were origanly from Chicago or New York. I whimpered as they began to tie me up.

*                                                                  *                                                                 *

They seed to take forever to rob the place I sat there all tied up. Once they were done they said.

“yo what we goanna about this girl she’s going to blab to the cops.”

“I got her you put the stuff in the trunk.” He said the guy walked slowly over to me. He pulled out a knife and he stabbed me in the gut three times. I sat there in pain and bleeding. Then the door opened and I could hear the robbers yell.

“Come let’s move lets go Jerry.”

“I’m coming Tom.”  Then they were gone. I head a scream and constant talking. I heard someone say.

“Mom Call an Ambulance. It’s going to be ok Meg. You’re going to be ok.”

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