Chapter Twenty One: The Escape

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Before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say that I can't believe that this story is already twenty chapters long! Yay, I'm happy! Twenty- One chapters is a LOT. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, the previous chapters, and the upcoming chapters! I'm having a LOT of fun writing this! I love you guys soooo much, thank you all for readingggg<3 Okay, now here's  the chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-One: The Escape

I smile in accomplishment. I did it, I found the key. Now, I can see what's in this thing. I take the key necklace that was sitting in the small baggie and kept it in my front zipper pocket, meanwhile the diary is in the main zipper of the backpack. Okay, I've done what I came here for. I took out my phone and opened the door, I then glanced to my left and my right.

I begin texting Olli while walking through the hallway of the house, which by the way can be qualified as a long corridor. Then, just when I'm about to hit send, I hear the sound of feet coming up the marble steps. I turn my head to see mum walking up the stairs, staring intently at the steps as she's walking. Oh god, not again. I don't want to hide again. No, I'm not going to hide, I'm going to escape.

I then quickly run into Dad's bedroom the only room on the whole upstairs floor with a deck- otherwise known as my exit for today. I run into Dad's room and when I do, I trip over a bean bag chair in the middle of his room. I groan in pain and annoyance. My phone is about four feet away from me, and my backpack opened and scattered the floor of my belongings. Crap. I quickly start gathering and shoving my things into my backpack, as I zip up the zipper, the doorknob, turns.

This is most definately the time to get out of here. I quickly get up and grab my phone and then I run out the deck door; making sure to lock it, and start running down the steps of the deck; my heart beating fast. 

I then get to the grass, I have to get out of here so she doesn't see me. As I'm running, I manage to text Olli, telling him to come; I'm halfway up the road, my breath heavy. I see a blue car turn in the neighborhood and I'm instantly flooded with relief. 

The car stops right next to me and I get in, and quickly put on my seatbelt as the car begins to go backward. Olli begins to drive quickly out of the neighborhood, and now, we're on the main road- we're safe. The car goes back to its normal non-fast pace as we see cars ahead of us.

"So, did you get it?" Olli asked as we came to a red light. I smiled and pulled it out along with the key necklace. "Hell yeah, I got it!" I said happily. Olli just laughed. We began talking about what could be the content of the diary, until something comes to my mind. The piece of paper in my pocket! That's key info, how could I forget about that thing!

"Olli!" I yell. The car stops with a jerk. "WHAT!?" he yells worridly as we hear many cars honk behind us. "I found this in Dad's office," I say calmly as I pulled out the piece of paper. "DON'T YELL LIKE THAT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE HURT OR SOMETHING!" I flashed a toothy apologetic smile, "sorry..." I said as he eased his grip on the steering wheel and began driving. "Okay, what is that?" he asked, a little more calmed.

"I don't know... I was searching Dad's calendar and this fell out. It says, 'Ashley and Luna come to Downtown Cafe every Tuesday and Thursday @ 4 PM' " I said. Olli flashed me a weird look. "Why'd you look in the calendar?" he asked. "I was looking for the key..." I said, realizing how stupid that sounded.

"And so you wanted to find the key, you checked the calendar...? 'Cause, when I'm finding a key, I'd just check a drawer or somethin'..." I sighed as he outsmarted me and my stupidity. "I don't know, I was desperate, okay!" I said, dumbfoundedly. "Anyway, who's Ashley and Luna?" Olli asked. "I don't know... Do you suppose Dad was cheating on mum?" I asked.

Olli shot me a look with his eyes wide. "Noooo. Uh, your Dad was a very nice man... And anyway, he was always with you, and when he wasn't he was out touring and doing things like work..." Olli said. He's right. "Yeah, I guess. Okay, let's just get home so we can read this." I say.

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