Chapter Six: Do Something Different

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Chapter Six: Do Something Different

I just stared at him. I don't know why I did, but I did. I shook the thought off. He walked up to me, "Okay, are you ready?" he asks excitedly. "Ready for what?" I ask in confusion. "Ready to have fun?" I knew Olli. He planned something really fun and something that I won't ever forget, now I'm sure of it. I sucked in a deep breath and looked into his eyes, "Definitely," I said with such confidence. Olli smiled at me and we began walking up the hall.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

we walked up to the desk, there was a nice girl who was about our age, she asked for our paper work and Olli told her that he already filled it out and gave it to the other guy that was behind the desk. She smile and nodded, then she gave us the equipment.

She gave us, and I quote what she said, she gave us, "The harnesses, the helmets, the carabiners, the belay device,  the quickdraws, and the ropes." she told us that the harness would be around our waists, the carabiners are used to connect the rope to the harness, and the belay device helps control the rope. Now, I'm getting worried and scared as to what we are doing.

Olli and I nodded as if we understood what she was saying, which we kinda did, and we took them to a nearby person. We took the equipment to the guy that was standing around, he was an employee. We told him the situation and he smiled, and agreed to help us.

He led us to another room which was filled with many people, I didn't know what to expect, until I saw what it is that we were doing. We are freaking doing indoor rock climbing. HOLY MOTHER OF CHOCOLATE I AM NOT AND WILL NOT DO THAT. WHAT IF I DIE!?

It seems as if both Olli and the guy read my mind, "It's okay... You're not going to die... But if you did, then we'll sue this place." he said. Great, now this is supposed to make me feel better. Just imagine being like a lot of feet above the ground, hanging by a small rope, and before your eyes you could just fall off the rope or the rope could break and then you fall to the cold hard ground with a splat.

"It's okay, little missy. We are certified in doing this! You'll be fine! It's normal for beginners to feel anxious and nervous." he said, trying to reassure me.

Well, this is going to be eventful.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I watched Olli do it first, he climbed up and came down safely and in one piece, on the other hand, I don't know if I can do what he just did. But I'll have to. Come on, Leslie; man up... It's your nineteenth birthday for gods sakes... I don't know I just can't do it. I am currently in the harness, all the equipment hooked up and ready, both Olli and the employee waiting for me to do it. 

I take deep breaths, in and out. I imagine all the terrifying scenarios possible. God, Olli, I don't know what you've gotten me into... I shook the thought off. It is my nineteenth birthday. Come on, Leslie. You always play safe. Do something crazy and wild and different today, come on, for the sake of your birthday.

Fine, I let my new goal orientated mindset take over me. I sucked in a deep breath, "I'm ready," I said.

Oh dear lord, please let me live and come back in one piece. No bruises, cuts or scratches. Please.

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