Chapter Twenty Two: We Lost The X- Factor

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Chapter Twenty- Two: We Lost The X- Factor

We finally made it home, I plopped down at the kitchen table with Olli right with me. I take the key necklace out and stare at it in amazement; quickly remembering the memories I had with that necklace. After I was done reminiscing, I smiled. I decided that it's time to open the diary as Olli waited all this time for me to do so. I kissed the necklace, and put it into the lock. I turned the lock to the right, and it clicked open. A gust of peppermint hit my face, peppermint...? I held the diary to my nose and smelt the great and overwhelming smell of peppermint, which made my mouth water and stomach grumble- that reminds me, we haven't eaten lunch yet. 

I patted my stomach in attempt to calm it down before I have the urge of eating the diary itself because of its smell, Olli noticed what I was doing. "Okay, I'll make some pasta, you read and tell me what you read, sound good?" he asks me as he stands up and starts gathering the ingredients.

I focus my mind on the first page.

Diary of Harry Edward Styles.

April 11th, 2010

Well, today's the day, I guess... I'm gonna try out for x-factor, and i really hope i get 4 yesses. i'm so nervous right now.. god, i just want to get this over with. It's currently 3 AM and I'm standing in line in the queue and it's raining cats and dogs. I've got my lucky bandana tied to my wrist, and to my luck it seems to be working... yesterday, i was in the hospital and i was coughing up blood and just vomiting... we somehow convinced the hospital people to let me out, and right now, i dont seem to be throwing up or anything.. im just really really nervous and cold. very very cold. i hope i dont get even more sick cuz of this rain. ugh, i hate living in the uk. god, i wish i lived in america. yeh, america sounds good. lets see what these next few hrs hold for me. wish me luck.

I smiled as I finished reading the first page. 

* * * * * *  

"It says, humaihghnjagbzs," I tell him, my mouth full of pasta and my face full of pasta sauce. "What?" Olli asks. "I said, hffhaghaj," I repeated, stuffing my mouth with the pasta. "WHAT!?" he asked once again. I finished chewing my pasta this time, "I SAID THAT DAD GOT FOUR YESSES AND THEN HE GOT ELIMINATED AND HE WAS FEELING VERY SAD AND HE WAS ABOUT TO GO HOME, AND THEN THE PRODUCERS OF X- FACTOR SAID FOR ZAYN, NIALL, LIAM, LOUIS AND DAD TO COME BACK IN FOR INTERVIEWS AND THEN THEY STOOD WITH A GROUP OF GIRLS TOO, AND THEY GOT PUT IN A BAND AND THAT THEY WERE SO HAPPY! THEN THE BOYS GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER AND THEN IT JUST SAYS THE GIRLS THAT HE FLIRTED WITH AND STUFF..." I said quickly. 

I still am not done with reading it. This diary is THICK. Like really really THICK. Then for some particular reason, there are some sticky notes popping up from a few pages... Weird. I really would turn to those pages, but I don't want to read ahead or else it'll get confusing.

This diary is just like a book. Now, it CAN be a book, we could just publish it if we could. After lunch, I keep reading for hours on end. Right now, I'm in my room, reading this book on my bed, my eyes hurting- due to the terrible handwritting that Dad always had. 

Right now, it just talks about how they lost X- Factor... This is really really interesting...

Well, this is one of the worst days in my life. we just lost the x factor. i really wanted to be a singer and so did the boys, but i guess this dream just wasnt meant for any of us. i guess i'll just go home and go to school, go to college, and keep working at that stupid bakery. god, when i go home, it's gonna be awkward & dissapointing.. whatever. atleast i can look back and be like i was there and i met simon cowell. whateves. i knew this was too good to be tru. the only think i kno is that me & the boys wil b keep in touch. at least i made new friends. but simons words keep repeating in my head, 'this is only the beginning for these boys' yea right, my ass. he's gonna sign the WINNER and if he didnt notice, we lost.. whatevess

right now im packing my bags.

* * *

im at a hotel right now. mum and dad and gemma were really really tired so we had to stop at a hotel and spend the night. wait, i get a txt from.. simon?

it says that the boys and i should meet him in his office and tell his office reciptionists that we are one direction, or state out individual names and tell them we're from one direction. whatever.

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