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Boruto watched the (hair colour girl) with (eye color) eyes arguing with the other kids in the academy again.Damn,she has a loud mouth for a girl,even louder than his.She had messy shoulder length hair,a dark yellow tracksuit jacket tied around her waist,which had the konoha symbol on the back,wears a (favourite colour) shirt,dark grey tracksuit pants,black wristbands and blue sandals.Lets not forget her red bandana around her forehead.

"Why are you still in this academy,you're not even a good ninja!"What of the kids who was bullying (name) said,poking her forehead while laughing with his friends

"Shut the hell up!Why should i listen you jerks!"She yelled,completely pissed off "I will become a great ninja and a great hokage!"

"Blah blah blah!"One of the girls yelled,pushing (name) "You're nothing but a deadlast!Blockhead!"

"I'm not a blockhead!"(name) yelled,pushing the girl hard,causing her to fall,and just in time,Shino came in the classroom

"Shino-sensei!(Name) is bullying us again!"The girl said in faked pain and fear

"(Name)!Do 20 laps later!"Shino said as he tried to make the other students calm down "We still have a lesson!"

(Name) began to mumble curse words while walking to her seat,which was next to Mitsuki's,she began to giggle uncontrollably while covering her mouth while Shino was going to sit down on his chair.When he did,his chair cushion exploded with colourful paint,and sprayed almost everywhere

The whole classroom laughed loudly,but not as loud as (name) did "HA!HE FELL FOR IT!"She yelled out,falling from her chair


"Damn it..."

After (name) cleaned up the paint,class came on.Boruto got slightly bored,but (name) was beyond bored,that she began to fall asleep,and she did,while snoring loudly.The classmates and Shino noticed and the whole class laughed while Shino was pissed.Boruto grinned and threw a paper ball at her,causing her to sprint up her head with her eyes wide open

"The basics about becoming a ninja is controlling your chakra and-"

The whole class began to laugh again (well except for Sarada and mitsuki) while Shino crossed his arms.(Name) grit her teeth and glared at everyone,blushing in embarrassment.

Boruto laughed and looked at her "Baka!"

(Name) quickly spun her head and glared at Boruto "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME?!YOU TEME!"

"I CALLED YOU A BAKA!"Boruto yelled back

(Name) was furious and tackled Boruto,and began to beat him up.But Boruto fought back and of course he won

"ENOUGH!Both of you are going to clean up the classroom later!"Shino said as he stopped the fight

"HE CALLED ME STUPID!"(Name) yelled,her cheek bruised and had one broken tooth

"Shut up!You two are still staying here to clean up the bathroom,even you Boruto,even if you're the hokage's son"

"Damn it..."Boruto said,standing up and glared at (Name),who immediately glared back

Well this is going to be fun...

History repeats itself (Boruto Uzumaki x Knucklehead!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now