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The rusty metals of kunai clashed with flying shuriken,sending it stuck on the ground.Kei held his Kunai with a steady stare at his student,while (Name) panted,trying to formulate a strategy in her brain quickly to take down her sensei and take the bells from him.(Name) gulped and furrowed her eye brows,she gripped her kunai tightly and cursed under her breath when she realised she used up all her weapons,and the kunai she was holding was the only one left 'I better be serious right now,I'm betting everything on this kunai right now!'

'Is she going to keep takimg me on with kunai combat?' Kei thought when he saw (Name) put on a fighting stance

"ALRIGHT!Let's get this over with!"(Name) yelled out,trying to release out her nervousness,regaining her confidence again as she ran to Kei with a grin on her face

The two clashed their kunai's together and quickly escalated into a small taijutsu fight as well.Even if Kei wasn't unleashing his full skill on (Name),he observed her actions quietly,even if her actions weren't the most fluid or smooth combat,her blows were quite powerful for a 13 year old with a rather scrawny frame,and she was pretty fast too.With a little more training,this girl definitely had a higher chance of becoming a skilled warrior,every single ninja has a high potential if only they'd train hard and had passion to do so

But (Name) can't be the only one he'll pay attention too,he'd have to see the other two student's capability as well.Kei was slightly disappointed that they haven't gotten the message of the test yet,but it wouldn't hurt to see their individual skills.He knew these genins were all unique in their own way

Kei strikes his palm at (Name)'s stomach but with more push,sending her flying against a tree softly,making her gasp in shock and for air.Kei takes out four shuriken and carefully aimed it for her baggy sleeves,pinning her on the three,and he shot four more at her shorts,pinning her legs down as well

(Name) struggled,realising the shuriken sticked rather firmly on the tree bark "OI,TAKE THESE OUT!I'M NOT DONE WITH YA YET!"

"Method:Taijutsu"Kei said calmly,putting his kunai back in his pouch

"You know if I was an enemy ninja,I probably would have aimed my shuriken for your vital organs" Kei advised with a small smile on his face,walking up to a frustrated (Name) and taking her kunai out of her hand and twirling it to tease his student "So if I were you I would have dodged or blocked those with your Kunai"

(Name) growled at her sensei,scowling deeply.Kei just grinned and chucked,patting (Name)'s head "But it's okay (Name)!You did a good job fighting me back there-"

The voice of Kei turned distant to Midori as the red haired boy took out three shuriken from his weapon pouch,putting all of them between his fingers 'He's distracted,now's my chance...'

Midori jumped out of the tree and landed perfectly,running to his sensei with a glint in his eye as he aimed the shuriken at his sensei's back.Kei's back got stabbed with the shuriken,making him stumble slightly

"OI MIDORI YOU BASTARD WHAT THE HELL?!ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL SENSEI?!"(Name) yelled out,her eyes completely wide and her hearth thumped fast on the horror scene in front of her,trembling

Ryuko's eyes widened and stood up from the bush,his heart pounding rather fast and sweat dripped from his forehead after seeing the sight of his sensei get hit.Concern,shock and worry immediately piled up for his sensei,but the two shocked students were both somehow relieved and surprised when they saw Kei poof into smoke and into a log

'Substitution jutsu...' They all thought,the log collapsing unto the ground with a loud 'thump'

'Of course he would,he's a Jounin' Midori reminded himself,trying to ignore (Name)'s loud shouts

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