Author's note 2018

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I believe you guys deserve an explanation

I swear I didn't want to give up on this story, despite cringing at it now while reading the first few chapters


Idk I just suddenly lost interest in wattpad and writing, it was quite a depressive state tbh

When I reinstalled this app I suddenly remembered how happy I was here, and I feel sorry I left this story in the air

This new year I will be updating this again! I can't believe until now this story is still getting support!! Its crazy !! I thought you guys would have forgotten about this book by now

Although I don't like x reader's anymore, I want to finish this bad boy!

A lot has happened for the past few months, I remember just sitting inside my cousin's van on a rainy day, writing a chapter for this story while we were being brought to the tennis court, I suddenly got a bad writer's block and I never opened this app again.

It's ridiculous how I never finished one story I wrote, despite having so many ideas. I've been in a bad state lately, from being held back from school (by my parents), stress and just unnecessary negativity overall.

I figured writing again would boost my confidence somehow, this orange app contains so much memories and I feel like a part of myself was revived again! I missed my friends here, the people who always made me laugh whenever I read their comments on my story and most of all writing for you guys! And myself of course!

Anyways, although I gotta do a recap on Naruto and skim through the wikipedia for a bit, I'll do what it takes to revive this story! (This time with somewhat better writing!) Since this is what started it all!!

Till then! I'll definitely be sticking around now, please be patient! I love ya'll!!

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