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Guys I already published 'I'm your nii-san,Sakura'~Read it if you want to~

[BTW Mitsuki in real life would be Taeyong of NCT U omg *without the yellow eyes and thin,blue eye brows lol* and Taeyong is one of the hottest and unreal human beings to walk on earth <33]


Boruto looks at his dad in disbelief,his mouth hanging slightly.He swore a fly could fly in his mouth right now.Before Boruto got his hopes up,he knew his dad is lying just to make him feel better,then later he'd be crushed and upset because his father didn't come or he just sent a shadow clone

Boruto blinks for a while at his still smiling dad,tilting his head,sighing and closing his eyes 'Yep he has to be,it's too good to be true'He thought

Boruto sends a kick to his dad's stomach,causing Naruto to grimace in pain.He clutched his stomach,blue lines falling over his head,did his own son just really kick him?'Why?~'Naruto thought

When Boruto realised he didn't disperse,he held his hair tightly,panicking "I'M SO SORRY!I THOUGHT YOU WERE A SHADOW CLONE!!!"

"I-it's okay..."Naruto whinced,anime tears flowing on his cheeks,why was the world turning against him? "But your grounded for hurting your old man..."

"I'M SO SORRY DAD!"Boruto began to rub his dad's stomach,sweat dropping "I thought you were busy with the meeting and I was sure you'd just sent a clone to me a-and-"

"It's okay really,just don't touch your gaming stations or One Piece manga later night"Naruto said,standing straight and rubbing his stomach "Now lets go clean your mess"

"We?"Boruto said confused

"Yep"Naruto answered,ruffling his sons hair "We"

"O-oh,thanks dad..."Boruto managed to crack a sincere,small smile,looking at his dad "You sure?"

"Of course!Since I couldn't make it to the celebration of your graduation since I was so busy last night,I'll try making it up to you now"Naruto explained

Boruto grinned and held out a thumbs up "Okay!Lets do it"

Loud footsteps echoed in the background,but Naruto and Boruto didn't pay attention much to it

"OI,BORUBAKA!"A loud voice rang,catching Boruto's attention and making him turn his head to his side

Having a late reaction,he was greeted with a black sandal land on his cheek,hard.Boruto lands on the ground,seeing starts appear on his head

Naruto's jaw drops,sweat dropping and shocked at the (hair color) girl who attacked Boruto "K-kyaa!Boruto?!" Why was everyone being kicked today?Earlier Gaara kicked Kankuro during the meeting,then Boruto kicked

"I-I'm fine~"Boruto answered weakly,his eyes still in the form of swirls

"YOU THINK YOU CAN STEAL MY IDEA JUST LIKE THAT,TEME?!"(Name) yelled at Boruto,pointing at him

As if (Name)'s yell snapped Boruto out of his dizzy daze,he sprung up,glaring at (Name).They clashed their forehead together and lightning zapped from their eyes,their glares intensifying

"WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THATS YOUR IDEA,DOBE?!"Boruto yelled back,pushing girl infront of him with his forehead,(Name) pushed back his forehad just as hard

"I DID IT FIRST AND YOU'RE BEING A COPYCAT!"(Name) shouted,her hair spiking up some more for a random reason

While the two pre teens were having some competition,Naruto just stared at the two with beady eyes {●__●},a sweat drop falling on his forehead.He knew it wasn't healthy to just watch his son argue and violently fight with someone,but he couldn't help but just watch in nostalgia.He didn't know what made he remembered,but he couldn't help himself

When Naruto managed to snap out and absorb what was going on in front of him right now "H-hey Boruto!Quit arguing with her,this instant!Your mother taught you to respect everyone!"

Boruto growls and looks away from (Name),crossing his arms "She was the one who kicked me"

"Ah-ah,still!"Naruto said,wagging his finger "You two apologise to eachother right now,learn to be polite"

Boruto groans in frustration,stomping his right foot "Thats not fair!She started it!"

Naruto just frowned at his son,crossing his arms as he sent him a firm look

Sighing in frustration,Boruto faced the (hair color) girl,his eyes on the ground "I'm sorry for yelling at you"

"N-no,I'm sorry for over exaggerating,I shouldn't have kicked you,hehe"(Name) apologised,scratching the back of her neck while chuckling nervously "Sorry about that..."

"See that?Anything can be solved with some maturity!"Naruto said,grinning at the two

Boruto shook his head and (Name) laughed softly,making Naruto pout.Naruto looks at the girl and notices her messy (hair color) hair and big,doe (eye color) eyes 'She looks familiar,can't put my finger on it though...hmmm...wait,is this (Name)?'

"(Name)-san!"An unfamiliar voice shouted as a brown haired male ran to (Name),panting slightly "A-are we going to train or what?"

"Oh yeah!Sorry to keep ya waiting Ryuko!"(Name) said,smiling nervously.(Name) faced Naruto and bowed first,her eyes closed

"I'm so sorry for kicking your son,Hokage-sama! [wow so blunt] I promise *well try anyways...* not to hurt your son"

Naruto rubbed the back of neck,giving (Name) a soft smile "It's alright,Boruto does need something knocked in that head of his anyways"

"Dad~You're not helping!"Boruto complained,sighing and running a hand through his hair

"Well run along now,me and Boruto still have to clean up the mess he did"Naruto said,making (Name) nod and bow again,but this time Ryuko bowed along with her.They both ran until they were put of Naruto and Boruto's sight


"So Boruto,you never told me you had a girlfriend~"Naruto teased,wiping the red paint off his fathers stone cheek

Boruto blushed bright red,turning his head away "T-that idiot?!No way!You know me dad,I have high standards!"

Naruto rolled his eyes "Sure Boruto,sure~"

Boruto groaned and scrub the paint off hard "No dad,seriously!She's just some loud loser!"

Naruto smiled softly and kept looking at Boruto.Sure Boruto was a striking mini version of him,from his hair and eyes to his whiskers and personality,but he just couldn't help but see

'Heh,my son reminds me of that teme?No way...'Naruto thought,and continued to clean the hokage's faces with his son

History repeats itself (Boruto Uzumaki x Knucklehead!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now