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(Name) stood,still stunned by Boruto's outburst.Her mind was telling her to punch Boruto on the face when he yelled on he face

'How would you know?!You never grew up with anyone!'

Same goes with him,he doesn't how it felt like,to be alone.No one was there for you,having to fend for yourself.It truly made (Name) suffer over the past years.How would he know how she felt like?He was so lucky,but he didn't know it

She never knew how was it like to be disappointed when someone she loved wasn't there for her,or  she has a family,but never seems to acknowledge her,but still

When (Name) snapped out,she blinked.She has tears brimming the corner of her eyes

"H-huh,was I crying?"(Name) wondered to herself,wiping her eyes

(Name)'s ears perked up when she heard someone cough,or clear their throat.She raised her eyebrow and turned her head from where the sound came from

Sarada,her classmate,stood there.(Name) blushed slightly with embarrassment,did she saw her cry?Or yell at Boruto

"O-oi,how long were you standing there???"(Name) questioned

"Well,when Boruto said something about you never knowing something"Sarada stated,pushing up her glasses a bit when it started to fall

(Name) sighed in relief "Okay"

(Name) had to admit,but she envied Sarada a bit...okay maybe a lot.Sarada was really talented,a prodigy.(Name) felt like it was unfair that she has to be so good.Always acing her grades,tests etc. (Name) always wanted to beat her besides Boruto

"I'd like to know"Sarada spoke up,poking at (Name) straight "What were you two arguing about?From the sound of it,it doesn't sound like your usual arguements"

(Name)'s eyes widened "I'm not telling man!It's nothing serious"

"Uh huh,sure"Sarada eyed (Name) suspiciously,her one eye brow furrowed

(Name) sighed,her eye twitching when Sarada gave her an intense stare,and she felt her sweat break

"Hmph"(Name) frowned,crossing her arms then looked away from the Uchiha "Why do you care,Uchiha?"

Sarada rolled her eyes and frowned back at (Name).(Name) turned her heel and started to stomp away from the park

"Weirdo..."Sarada mumbled,pushing her glasses up.If there was another person who she'd always be curious on,it'd be (Name)


The sky was dark orange with a hue of blue,the sun was setting and stars were visible on the sky now 

(Name) walked through the busy streets of konoha,everyone seemed so happy and lively.The stalls were full of people,but (Name) stood out with her dark aura

She glared at the ground,her hands in her pockets.She kicked some small pebbles,sighing

'Boruto that bastard...'She thought 'Solitude,he'd never understand that'



History repeats itself (Boruto Uzumaki x Knucklehead!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now