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Listen to the song while reading this xD I'm feeling fluffy today~(even though the song isn't really that relatable to the story because you and Boruto-baka are always arguing here xD But trust me the song might be related to the story in future chapters,just you wait u lil shits)


In (Name)'s apartment...

Inside (Name)'s apartment,it looked like a hurricane went in it.Laundry was everywhere,there was still some unwashed dishes on the sink and some instant ramen cup noodles in the table.

(Name) yawned and stretched her arms,sitting up from her bed.She rubbed her eyes and looked at the calendar next to her

She stared at it blankly,but when her eyes landed on a red circle,her eyes widened and jumped out of her bed

"It's graduation exams!"She yelled,panicking.She looked at the clock,she was almost late!

She went to the showed then quickly rinsed.When she got out,she still had some soap bubbles left on her.She brushed her teeth quickly then spat the toothpaste out

She ran out of the bathroom,almost slipping due to still being wet.She grabbed her clothes and undergarments hastily,putting them on quickly

"Damn it,I need an alarm clock!"(Name) exclaimed,sweat dropping

Meanwhile in Boruto's house....

"Boruto,sweetie,eat your breakfast,you're gonna be late"Hinata said,pinching Boruto's cheek

"H-huh?Oh,sorry mom"Boruto snapped out of his daze,slapping his cheek softly twice

He couldn't he believe he just did that last night to (Name)

He hugged her

Out of all the things he could have done,he just had to hug her.God,Boruto felt like an idiot right now.What was (Name) going to think of him or tell him?She was probably going to avoid him and think that he likes her

'Like hell I would!'Boruto practically yelled in his mind,shoving a tempura in his mouth angrily them munching it 'She's a stubborn idiot!Why would I like her??'

He remembered him and (Name) grinning at each other and laughing happily,celebrating the fact that (Name) was able to do the clone jutsu because of Boruto

Boruto just felt happy,and when he looked at (Name),he just didn't know what he did.He just had a sudden instinct to grab her then hug her.Maybe he was just too happy?Yeah maybe thats it

Boruto just tried to reassure himself but he couldn't get her our of his thoughts.He felt so warm when he hugged her,it just felt pleasant

He shook his head then groaned frustratingly,standing up then slamming his hands against the table

"Boruto are you oka-"

"I'm fine mom"Boruto said and kissed Hinata's cheek.He went to Himawari and ruffled her hair "See you sis,you're the best sister I had"

"But I'm your only sister"Himawari stated,looking at her brother confused


Boruto ran to the door and headed out.Hinata just giggled and cleaned up Boruto's mess

"Nii-san can be weird sometimes"Himawari stated,looking at her mom,who only smiled and shrugged

"That's Boruto,now finish your breakfast"Hinata patted Himawari's head before going to the kitchen


(Name) ran on the streets,almost tripping as a result

"Shoot,shoot,shoot!"(Name) exclaimed.She regained her balance somehow and continued running "I can make it!"

However,(Name)'s glorious victory to make it to school early got disrupted by a rather familiar and obnoxious blonde wearing a black tracksuit

"Yo,Watch out!"(Name) yelled,her eyes wide and so is Boruto's and she tried to stop herself,but still ended up crashing on Boruto

"Oro~..."(Name) mumbled.Her eyes were cartoonishly swirly and her mouth was wide open "I can see stars...

(Anyone who gets the Oro reference shall be my child forever)

"Oi baka,don't you have eyes?"

(Name) snapped out of her dizziness and sat up,glaring up at Boruto "Shut up!You should have stepped out of the way!"

Outside,Boruto looked like he was fuming and ready to punch the living day lights put of (Name),which didn't really seem to faze (Name),but inside Boruto had mixed emotions,nervous mostly

(Name) remembered what happened last night,freezing at her spot when she remembered Boruto hugging her.That was just a hug,why couldn't she erase that from her thoughts,or in this case,why couldn't both of them stop thinking about last night?

(Jesus I'm making it sound like they had sex or something)

"Uh sorry..."

(Name)'s eyes widened,did Boruto apologise just now?Boruto reached out and grabbed (Name)'s hand,helping her stand up

"Uh thanks,I guess..."(Name) mumbled,staring at Boruto's electric eyes,shocked about the situation,too shocked she didn't know they were still holding hands

And there it was again.Boruto began to sweat nervously and his heart pounded.His cheeks flared,like it's about to explode any minute.He felt like this when he hear (Name) giggle adorably like an actual girl

'I-I'm acting all weird again...'Boruto thought,gulping as he began to tremble.His hand shakes and it began to sweat  

"Yo!We're gonna be late!"(Name) yelled,breaking the thick and awkward silence

"Late?It's only 7:45 dumbass,don't you have a clock?"Boruto managed to compose himself,trying to put up his jerk facade

"Oh...hehe,guess mine is broken"(Name) said,sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck then grinning "Well lets go..."

And there it was again.Awkward,thick and uncomfortable silence filled the air again.Boruto just nodded and they began to walk slowly

(Name) shoved her hands in her pocket then puffed out her cheeks,while Boruto just looked at the other direction,any direction as long as he couldn't see (Name)

"Hey um Boruto..."


Silence intruded for a moment before (Name) said in a soft voice "Thanks for teaching me the clone jutsu..."

Boruto gathered up his guts to look at (Name),who smiled at him genuinely.Boruto just smiled back sincerely and looked up the sky.It was so peaceful today...

"Yeah,you're welcome (Name),you idiot"


Woah haven't updated in a while lelz

Wut at least I updated!1!1!

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