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Boruto sighed in relief,watching the sun set as he leaned against the railing of the mountain.It was always calm here,this was where he always went when he was upset,but he always made sure to come here at late noon,since that's that only time he'd be alone here.The warm orange sky and the breezy wind that blew Boruto's hai gently calmed him down

He looked down to see the heads of the hokage's that was imprinted on the mountain

The first hokage and one of the founders of Konoha,Hashirama Senju

The 1st hokage's brother,Tobirama Senju

That old man who took care of his father,Hiruzen

His grandfather that irritatingly looks like his father too much,Minato Namikaze

A short tempered woman who is the first female hokage,Tsunade (lets not forget big chested)

His fathers sensei,Kakashi Hatake

And last but not least,his father,Naruto Uzumaki

Boruto rolled his eyes,running a hand through his hair.One day when he becomes hokage,he'll be the best one yet.He promises that he'd become a better hokage than the previous ones,more powerful and admirable!

Boruto smirked at the thought,pleasant thoughts going in that thick head of his.But his face suddenly changes to a sour look and his looks down,furrowing his eyebrows

He remembered (Name) wanted to be hokage too.The image of her boasting about how she'll be able to beat him and an annoying grin plastered on her face popped up again

"What the hell!"Boruto complained,groaning "When will I stop thinking about you?!"

He really was guilty,he admitted it.He's not going to forget about what happened earlier,but he had to atleast


He couldn't avoid it,his guilt was eating him up,no matter how much he tried to forget,it became even wors .Boruto couldn't help it

Running a hand through his hair,he sighed,his lips turning into a deep frown.He was thinking if it was wrong to yell at (Name) for not understanding his situation.He saw that she didn't try to yell back at him,or argue or even fight him

(Name) just stood there,shocked and eyes were wide.She looked helpless for the first time,her tough and brash facade faded infront of his eyes when he said those words

"Ugh..."Boruto muttered,hitting his forehead softly

He hated it,he hated her.(Name) has always been playing with Boruto's emotions from the beginning,she was the first person to always make him confused with how he should feel

Boruto groaned and stuffed a pillow on his face,feeling frustrated

"Boruto?dinners ready"Hinata's soft voice rang as she knocked on Boruto's door

Boruto's eyes widened and he rises up,the pillow falling to the floor

"H-hai,just a minute!"Boruto stuttered,rubbing his eyes

"Well hurry up then,we have a lot to celebrate!"

When he heard his moms footsteps grow distant,Boruto groaned and stared at the dark ceiling

"You're a douche..."Boruto murmured,before slapping his cheeks "No,shut up baka!"

Boruto stood up and cringed,trying to shake off his guilt.'Get a hold of yourself'He thought

History repeats itself (Boruto Uzumaki x Knucklehead!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now