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"What do you think I should order this time?Beef, chicken, or maybe the new spicy ramen Ayame-chan made?" (Name) said, rubbing her hands together at the thought of ramen, a drool visible by the end of her mouth

Ryuko's stomach churned and made whale noises. He blushes and clutches his stomach, embarrassed "Oh boy (Name)-chan, you do know how to make me hungry haha~"

"Well you can eat all you want, Sensei's paying!" (Name) said, hopping on to the seats of the ramen stand, bouncing slightly on the cushion "He better!"

"Oi, baka, you're here?"

(Name)'s cheerful grin was replaced with a annoyed yet competitive looking expression, then her lips formed into a forced grin "Well whaddya' know, it's your royal highness"

Boruto's tan face fell into a scowl and he crosses his arms, making a 'tsk' sound. Behind him was Shikadai and Inojin, who just waved dismissively at (Name), slurping up their noodles again and continuing their conversation

"Oi, what's that supposed to mean?" Boruto said, forming his lips into a pout "I have a name"


"OI THAT'S NOT FUNNY" Boruto yelled, slamming his hand on the table, and all (Name) did was laugh hysterically

"Well well well, looks like the two lovebirds are back" Midori's laid back voice made it to (Name) and Boruto's voice, finding his seat and a smirk planted on the red heads lips

Both (Name) and Boruto diverted their attention to Midori, their jaws drop "Lovebirds?!"

"No way!" Boruto remarks, making a gag sound, making (Name) to glare at him

"Now now, no fighting~" Ryuko said, sweating nervously as he tried to restrict the two from going near each other and beat up each other "It's rude to do so in front of the food"

"Yeah, you wouldn't want to get in trouble with the hokage would you, (Name)?" Kei said while looking at the menu

"Oh I kicked Boruto in front of hokage-sama once" (Name) said, snickering

"Nani?!And you didn't get in trouble?!" Kei asked in surprise, sweat dropping

"Unfortunately she didn't" Boruto said, pouting again "It's wasn't fair!"

"Was it always like this during their academy days?" Kei whispered to Midori, and Midori just mushroom sighed

"Trust me, they only started being like this for a couple of days but it felt like years...or was it really been like that for years?" Midori mumbled, as he began pondering with his fingers wrapped around his chin

'Have they really been going on like this for years?' Midori thought, trying to refresh his memory


Sorry if this chapter is short!But next chapter will be a, yes you guessed it!~


Also do you guys have any remarks for my writing or this story? I want to improve as much as I can so I can make this story better for you guys, and my future books too! Please comment your opinions, but go easy on me xD I'm asking for opinions not trash talk

It's because I feel like I'm doing something wrong with this book, and I have to admit despite it being embarrassing but... i've never actually read the manga of Boruto :( Only on wikipedia...that's why there's a lot of inaccurate shit here that I need to fix :(((

Anyways toodles~~

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