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then why is narusasu still not canon *triggered* ]

[ This chapter is more on readers thoughts! Suggest some ideas for me for future chapters before I go to the chunnin exams  ]

[ chapter is more on reader-chan's thoughts ]

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"That jerk, just cuz he's Hokage-sama's son.." (Name) mumbled incoherently, abosrbed in her own thoughts "He thinks he can order me around!"

(Name) continued to grumble to herself childishly, while starting to make food for herself, already in her sleeping wear and a (favourite color) apron over it. Her salarly wasn't exactly the biggest, but she only had herself to support, so her financial income did not become much of a hindrance. She was fixing herself up some tonkatsu with rice and tofu soup. Of course she wasn't using up all her resources because she's only making a meal for herself.

After putting water in the rice grain filled rice cooker, (Name) turned the cooker on and put a lid over it. She munched on Roku's melon bread and hummed a familiar tune.

"I haven't had tofu soup in a while.. I need new socks too.. and these pajamas are getting worn out" (Name) sighed to herself "Guess I'll go shopping tomorrow after training".

Living like this was harder than it looked. (Name) genuinly struggled to keep herself alive and healthy. And she gets extremely lonely once in a while when she wasn't distracted by the academy, doing her job and pulling pranks. She had no one to share her day with. Well besides Roku that is. But talking with Roku was weird sometimes, and she doesn't unload everything to him because she's busy with doing her job.

But (Name) always gets this warm feeling in her heart whenever she carries on with her life. Everyday, at the end of the day, she reminds herself before going to bed that she has survived another day again, each and every one different, and prepares for the next day and future to come. Rather than feeling empty everyday, she always reminds herself she has something to look forward to everyday. She had friends now, a career as kunoichi ahead of her and new challenges. It made her feel independent, strong. Though it does not dispose of her lingering loneliness of not having her own family and barely outweighing it, she has something, she still cherished the life that was given to her. She managed to get herself this far.

While dropping in some sliced tofu cubes inside a small pot filled with miso soup, she remembers her idol, the awesome hokage that made this possible, Uzumaki Naruto. If the 7th hokage didn't walk up to her in that dull orphanage and lit a fire in her, then (Name) has a very vague idea on what kind of life she would have right now. Dreadful, absolutely lifeless. And thanks to that too, she was offered a small apartment room to live in. It was more than enough for (Name) though. A smal bed to sleep on, a shower, and even an area where she could cook! As long as she worked under Roku in his small but strong bakery, the bills will always be paid. All she had to do was become conservative with electricity, water and the stove. And now that she's a ninja, she's going to earn her own money from all the missions she will be having, and enjoy what she was doing!

Turning off the rice cooker, she carefully removed the lid and the steam her face. She scooped one cup of rice on her plate, she placed the tonakatsu slices at the side along with shredded cabbage.

"Good thing I had bread crumbs to put on the pork to make tonkatsu" (Name) said to herselt. Besides on how to be a capable ninja, the academy of course taught everyday skills and survival knowledge. Even if (Name) was the proclaimed deadlast when it came to the challenging ninja things, what they didn't know was that (Name) put the basic lessons by heart. (Name) sure is brash, head strong and even naive, but she wasn't a full blown idiot (Boruto keeps her that persisting she is though, that idiot, (Name) thought). She knows that she had to be attentive in order to become independent. So she learned how to clean, cook, manage the budget, do laundry, even sewing and take care of her little home. It wasn't easy at all, but she put her all into doing so, until she became very independent. So maybe that was the reason why she coulsn't catch up with the ninja activities most of the time in the academy.

Speaking of the academy memories, it brought up a certain someone up. Someone who (Name) hasn't accepted and will not admit that made a huge impact in her lifem

Boruto Uzumaki, the most obnoxious person she's ever met. Pouring herself a bowl of soup, (Name) seated comfortably and grinned widely when she looked at the inviting meal in front of her, ready to dig in. She picked up her chopsticks, thanked for her meal and began to eat whole heartedly.

Boruto wasn't entirely as rotten as (Name) viewed him before. He was very annoying and kind of cocky. However, even if he was like that, he was her very first friend. At first, (Name) denied with every fibre of her being to even allow that duffus to become involved with her. But they still did, fate thought it was entertaining to make them argue on that certain day and have aggressive fights all the time afterwards. And they even exchanged hurtful statements towards each other that shouldn't be even said.

Yet at the same time, even if Boruto wasn't this charismatic, certain blue haired person with cute cheeks and a silent demeanor with a mysterious aura around him [(Name) sighs dreamily], Boruto slowly creeped into a space in her heart. (Name) cringed at how she described it, because she sounded like a love sick fangirl rather than being grateful for his annoying yet warm existence.

And if it weren't for Boruto, she woudln't have been able to nail the clone jutsu for the examinations, she wouldn't be as competitive as she is now. They always fight but (Name) knew..

That she wouldn't have been the person she is now if it weren't for that stupid blonde. Reaching for her dream of becoming a Hokage became more thrilling because of him. Boruto gave more meaning to her life.

(Name) became terrified when she came up with that, then choked on her spit. A massive blush spread across her face, dropped her chopsticks, then her tonkasu laid on the plate, growing cold.

(Name) really cares for Boruto.

So much corniness xD How was this chapter? I think I'm getting better at writing, but slower too T^T

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