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"The supermarket? Really?" Boruto said, in a tone of disappointment

Naruto had slipped on his casual clothing, making him look a bit younger that usual. It didn't help that his hair was growing back rather quickly and was beginning to look like a spitting image of a taller Boruto. Boruto was unsure if he should be creeped out, or fascinated.

"Yes little noodle-"


"-and plus, now that I have some time I am in need of a hair cut" Naruto continues, examining his turf of blond on their mirror.

"Seriously? Dad keep it that way, I do like your longer hair better" Boruto said truthfully. As a matter of fact, Boruto noticed his father looked more bright and cheerful today, and although Boruto is still somewhat angry, he also felt upset that he doesn't get to see his father like this all the time.

Naruto awed, smirking at Boruto "Don't butter up your old man, I might spoil you!~"

The younger boy just scoffs in reply.

"They got some pretty good games, I'll buy you anything you want" Naruto added invitingly

"..I'm going to go get ready now, I'll wake up Himawari"


Naruto almost laughed at how fast Boruto took a shower and picked out clothes so fast at the same time. Hinata, Himawari and he were all outside the house now, waiting for Boruto to lock the door.

"Hurry up Nii-san!" Himawari ushered, looking radiant as usual

"Yeah yeah, I'm done" Boruto mumbles, and walks towards the rest of them.

"Little noodle-"

"Dad don't go there"

"-Where do you guys want to eat first?" Naruto said


(Name), Ryoku and Midori all stood in front of the supermmarket that wasn't open yet, while l next to their Sensei, who was currently discussing with the manager about the whole mission. (Name) thought it was a bit funny seeing Kei who was still in his late teens talking so formally with the elderly but proffesional looking manager.

Midori kept yawning and Ryoku looked like he was in another world. (Name) was playing with the hem of her orange shirt, feeling quite bored herself already. She had no idea what they were going to do for this "mission", she didn't even remember that missions were classified into different ranks! She immediately began to regret not listening to classes all those times. All she thought was that in missions, you were supposed to kick ass, but admittedly, she was wrong.

"Alright team, you heard what was said?" Kei asks. The three snapped out of their own daze and peered at Kei with confusion.

The older boy sighs at them, shaking his head "Do you know what we're gonna do for this mission now?"

The three of them shook their heads in sync, all clearly showing they did not.

Kei releases a silent sigh, only beckons them to come forward with a wave of a hand "Get over here, I'll just tell you guys what your jobs are for today"

Towards the back entrance of the supermarket, the three pre-teens are now eager to listen attentively.

"For this mission, you guys are literally going to be substitutes. You'll take over some of the employee's jobs, and I'll be listing down your responsibilities"

The three held their heads up and their ears open.

Kei took out a small sheet of paper and perused carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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