♦ Evangeline Tepes | My OC ♦

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Name : Evangeline Tepes [ Shorten as 'Eva',.Guren will give her a new name later throughout the story. ]

Age : 19 years old  [ physically/can change her appearance​ on her own will. ] 3000+ years old [chronologically ]

Birthdate : 7th February XXXX

Hair colour : Silver

Eye colour : Left [ Scarlet Red ], Right [ Light Blue ]

Evangeline is the first daughter of the great vampire king. Her mother died right after she was born. She has no memories of her mother. Her father then remarried another woman and they had Krul. Both Krul and Eva are half sisters with different mothers. Eva's father ordered Shiro to take care of Eva. Shiro taught her all kinds of things and raised her. Eva is deadly beautiful in appearance, she is told that she resembles her late mother a lot. Eva has a visible black bat tattoo on her left thigh, Its a symbol that she's a royal vampire. She's good in martial arts, she has a teacher who teaches her it. She's very shy, kind, has a quiet personality and always hid behind Shiro, but she enjoys learning new things. Learning about humans is her favorite thing. Her only wish is to only make a human friend. She loves Shiro very much and she's willing to protect her.

[ A/N : I didn't write her full informations here since I don't want to spoil her abilities and stuffs yet! \(- v -)/ Please look forward of it throughout the story soon. (ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧ ]

 (ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧ ]

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