✧ Chapter 5 | Serenity Decision ✧

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[ A/N : Gyahh finally~! I'm sorry for the long wait! ( ◞・౪・) I hope dear readers will enjoy this chapter! (❁'▽'❁)*✲゚Okay, as you readers knew. I mentioned before that this chapter will be "Party of The Bloody Night" right? I decided to put that for chapter 6 because of a few reasons. But still, enjoy this chapter and wait forward for chapter 6! Oh and the picture up there shows you how Arnoldo West looks like~! ヾ(^▽^ヾ) Thank you for your patience and support! (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 ]

<< Recap | Lacus Welt's POV

They smirked to each other and said something that truly shocked me,.."Well,..we were all planning about,.."

"Killing that human."

Lacus Welt's POV

Killing that human eh,..? From their looks, they are serious about this.

"So, what do you think Lacus Welt? This is a good opportunity to show that human that its wrong to blend around with our princess! He's messing around with us!" said the vampire towards me as he was filled with such anger. I sighed towards myself as this was getting annoying and my stomach is growling with hunger right now. "Come, join us! With you along, this plan will be successful!" he smiled widely,...more like creepily as he brought his hand towards me.

My mind is totally unsure right now,...would killing that human change anything,..? Mistress keeps smiling when she's with him and she has been wanting to meet a human. I don't want that smile of hers to fade away. Thinking about this reminds me of those moments when she calls my name with that sincere smile of hers,.

"You know, you guys better cancel that plan if you guys do not want to get yourselves killed." I said. "W-what do you mean cancel this plan,..!?" they looked at me with shock faces. "Mistress might be using that human as a pet slave, its common to use humans as slaves among vampires these days. Plus, who knows that she might have been sucking his blood." I explained as I could see that they are not satisfied about it.

"Fine then! Listen here, one day you will regret this decision Lacus! We will still carry on this mission to rid away of that rubbish! What kind of servant are you letting the princess playing around with that human. Such a disgrace!"

"Oh well, suit yourselves. I gotta go now. Anyways I don't care what you guys think about me. As long as the mistress is not hurt, I am happy with that. Oh and no worries, I'll place some flowers at your graves in the near future." I smirked as I walk away. I could see that they're pissed off with me, well If they do manage to kill that human. The mistress will be sad and the results will end up with Krul-sama giving them a taste of hell.

I sighed as I wonder whether did I made the right decision,..? I guess I am a bit jealous that mistress is spending time with that human,..she could have bring me along to choose her dress,.!! Arghh,.! This is annoying! I kicked the lamp pole out of anger and suddenly a voice caught my attention.

"What are you doing,..? You're making a fool of yourself Lacus." I stopped kicking the lamp pole as I was shocked to see Rene in front of me. "What are you doing here,..!? I thought you had work to do!" I said as I facepalm. To think that I would get caught by him in this kind of condition is extremely embarrassing.

"I finished my work early. Unlike you who would take two days to finish a simple work. Anyways, what happened when I wasn't around? You're not acting like your usual self. Does it concern Eva-sama?" asked Rene. Man,..he can really read my mind. Well I'm always like this when I think too much about the mistress. I guess I should tell him about just now. "Well, I met a few vampires just now and they were planning to kill that human which mistress took in. And they asked me to join their plan." I said.

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