✧ Chapter 7 | Trust, Love & Friendship ✧

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[ A/N : Squueeee~!~! Finally chapter 7 published! (๑˃̶͈̀◡˂̶͈́๑) Aha~! Dear readers must be confused right? Since this was supposed to be chapter 8, I changed chapter 1 to prologue since I felt like it suits better. Anyways, I'm so sorry it took awhile to publish this, my big sister came back and stuff so I was busy since Friday. ヾ( ~▽~)ツ Plus~! Thank you so much for the 1.1k reads and 119 votes!And for your supports! Now, enjoy this new chapter! ヾ(○・ω・)ノ☆ ]

<< Recap | Lacus Welt's POV

",..not here,."

"Huh? What's not here?" I asked her as her eyes widen looking at her room. I then observe the room and I was shocked as well,..her room was a mess and books scattered everywhere,.wait,.that human isn't here. I look at mistress as she was at the verge of crying,."Kana,..he's not,."


Evangeline's POV

I could feel my tears streaming down my cheeks. This is really weird,.he won't just leave this room by himself,..

"Lacus,..where is he,.? He should be here,.I know he won't leave just like that,.! Wh-what if he's hurt by someone now,.!? We should find him right away,.!" I plead as I felt really worried looking at my messed up room,..I'm glad there's no sign of blood. My heart felt so tight as I feel like I'm being stabbed. "Leaving just like that is a dangerous risk and he knows that--ah!" suddenly about the vampires rebelling me of taking Kana struck my head,..don't tell me,..he was kidnapped by them somehow,.? "Lacus,..he might,.have been kidnapped.." I said as I clenched my hands.

"Mistress,.I think I know who kidnapped him,." said Lacus as I wipe my tears away. "What do you mean that you know who kidnapped Kana!?" I said with anger causing me to raise my voice towards Lacus as I grabbed his shoulders,..causing him to flinch. "S-sorry,..I didn't mean to raise my voice towards you." I apologized as I look at the floor thinking what to do. "No,.its okay mistress. Its not your fault. The reason why I know about this is because that day,.I saw a group of vampires planning to assassinate that human. Rene and I decided not to tell you because we thought that they wouldn't dare to mess with the royal family and it would just lead them to trouble." said Lacus as he confessed everything to me. "I,.I will accept any punishment mistress. This is all my fault for not telling you this." Lacus then bent towards me.

"Lacus,..stand up." I ordered as I placed my hand on his cheek. "The reason why you decided not to tell me is because you didn't want to cause trouble for me. You knew that many vampires are rebelling against me taking in Kana because I treat him so well instead of slaving him. And besides,.I will never punish you,.even if you betray me." I told him as he looked speechless. "Mistress,.I promised you that I will serve and protect you until the last breath of my life. And to fullfil that duty, I will help you search for Kana. I know that he won't just die like that." said Lacus with spirit in his eyes. Ah,.and he just said Kana's name for the first time,..I'm glad.

Wait,..there's something missing in my mind here,..ah! Ethel! I told Ethel to take care of Kana!

"Lacus! It's about Ethel! I told her to take care of Kana,.! Knowing her, she wouldn't betray my orders,..!" I said to Lacus as I get worried about Ethel now. "Shit,.don't tell me that,.they got Ethel as well,.!? Let's go and check on her mistress!" said Lacus as we both exited my room and ran to Ethel's room.

Timeskip to Ethel's room | Lacus Welt's POV

As soon as we arrived at Ethel's door room, mistress knock the door calling Ethel's name over and over. There was no respond, causing me to kick the door in result,.to see Ethel lying on the floor with a small bottle beside her,.

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