✧ Chapter 8 | Sweet Repentance ✧

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[ A/N : Aigooo~! I'm really sorry for the super late update~!! ฅ(๑'Δ'๑) You know, holidays started and there's family stuffs and relatives coming everywhereeeeeeee~! I was really busy and didn't have any time to write! (๑•﹏•) I hope dear readers enjoy this new chapter! Σ(*ノ'>ω<。')ノ Thank you for your patience and supporting~!ヽ( ・∀・)ノ ]

<< Recap | Kana's POV

 ",..friends,..are supposed to protect,.each other,..right,.?" she said as she gave me a big close eyed smile. I couldn't bear the pain but to hug her tightly and she grips my hands tighter. "Kana,..you're so warm,.." thats right,.it was warm,..as our body snuggle to each other,.

Somehow,.during that moment,..I soon realized that,..

I was,..

in love with her.

Kana's POV

As Eva and I were both hugging tightly towards each other,..I suddenly felt that Eva stopped moving. I soon realized that she was unconscious. 

"E-eva!?" I called her name as I was shocked to see her pale face and the blood from her wound won't stop. How,..could a single bullet injure a vampire this bad,..? "Eva! Kana!" I heard Shiro run towards us calling our names. Shiro bends down and held Eva as her eyes were filled with worry. "Shiro-san,.I'm sorry,..it's all my fault,." I apologized and clench my hands as I look to the ground,."If only she didn't save me,..she wou--" before I could finish,.Shiro's voice cut me off. "Kana, don't worry,..If you died,.it would make a larger wound to her than this." said Shiro. "Thank you Shiro,." I thanked as tears were still dripping.

 "You should thank Eva later. This bullet that hit her stomach wasn't a normal one,.it's a magic bullet which can kill you instantly if it hits you instead of Eva. This bullet would not kill Eva as she's a vampire. There is a big difference between a vampire and a human's strength. But still,.Eva needs to be treated now." explained Shiro as she carried Eva.

Krul Tepes' POV

"Shiro,.get onee-sama treated immediately,.please." I said as I look at Shiro. I couldn't bear to see how wounded onee-sama was. "Krul-sama! Let me assist Shiro as well! Please!" said Lacus as he grabbed my shoulders. From his eyes,.he was really desperate. I wonder if he has that kind of love towards onee-sama. "Oi Lacus, stop what you're doing! Eva-sama will be fine,.!" Crowley came and pulled Lacus away from me. "Lacus Welt,.you should calm yourself down. I would like you to bring that human, Kana treated as well. Shiro can handle onee-sama herself and plus, you have some explanation to do about what happen later on." I said as I gave him a stern stare. "I,.I understand Krul-sama. Forgive me for my action just now." said Lacus as he nodded. "It doesn't matter, go follow Shiro and get Kana treated." I replied. I look at Shiro and Lacus as they leave the garden along with onee-sama and Kana,.who did this to onee-sama will feel the consequences,.!

"Krul-sama, do you want to me to inform Ferid and the others about this? The other nobles will get curious of you and Eva-sama's sudden disappearance from the party." asked Crowley as I was making a decision. "Sure, I'll leave that to you. But make sure they won't make a fuss about this matter. And don't tell them onee-sama was hurt, just tell them that she's feeling unwell." I said. "Ok then, I shall inform them now." replied Crowley as he disappeared in a spilt second.

"You four that were involved in this case,.come here now." I said with a loud voice as four of the vampires flinch. Even after 1 minute,.the vampires still didn't come to me as they were trembling with fear. "Can you four please don't waste my time and come near to here fast!?" after what I said, the four vampires who were responsible came to me quickly as they were still frightened. "Please,..forgive us Krul-sama,.we just wanted to get rid of that human. We didn't have any intention to hurt Eva-sama." they said as they bow down towards me while asking forgiveness. "Stand up." I ordered as the four vampires nodded and stood up. "Are you four nobles? Or have any connection with the royal family?" I asked.

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