✧ Chapter 6 | Party of The Bloody Night ✧

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[ A/N : Finally chapter 7 done~! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° The picture up there shows Eva in her dress during the party! (ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧ The first part of this chapter will take place a day before the party and about Eva bringing Kana to a certain place. Since previously I wrote that the party will be held in two days time. Now, please enjoy this new chapter~! (੭ु。╹▿╹。)੭ु⁾⁾ ]

At Eva's room | Evangeline's POV

I was lying on my bed as I was thinking about yesterday when we were at the Trinity shop. Yesterday,..I could sense that someone was spying on us. I'm sure that Shiro noticed as well. But maybe she didn't want to cause a scene, especially when Kana is with us.

I turned my head to the left and stared at Kana's sleeping face. "Cute,.." I whisper as a giggle softly because he was drooling. I stood up from my bed and went to him. I reach out my hand towards him as I was trying to touch his sleeping face. Before I could even touch his face, he suddenly opened his eyes. I slightly scream as I blushed. I then look at the clock and it was already 11 in the morning. I guess its normal for humans to wake up at this hour.

"Do you vampires sleep,.?" asked Kana as I was shocked by his sudden question. "Well,.sleeping is not really required by vampires like humans do. But sometimes sleeping could also replenish our energy." I explained. "How about eating?" he continues to ask me. I felt my heart lighten up as he kept asking me more questions. "Vampires do have the desire to eat but food is not that important to us. Food won't provide us a lot of energy. Rather than food,..we vampires need something more important to give us energy,." I avert my eyes away from him as I was scared to mention about what vampires needed the most.

"And that important thing which vampires need the most,.is blood right,..?" said Kana bluntly as he stares at my face. I couldn't help but just nod at him. I'm doing my best to not make him feel uncomfortable. But right now,..I really feel unsatisfied that I missed the chance to touch his face,.!! That soft looking donut face of his. "Anyways,." I broke the silence as Kana stood up from his bed and look at me.

"Let's get ready for the picnic. I told you yesterday that I want to bring you to somewhere right?" I said as I smile at him. "You can choose your clothes at the closet over there and you can take a bath first if you like." I explained.

Kana's POV

I nodded as Eva explained me about the clothes and other things. I wonder where she wants to bring me to. And,..I've been wondering now,..what would happen to me if Eva didn't take me. I think,..I might be dead by now if she didn't..

"Kana? Are you listening to me,..?" said Eva as she snapped me out of my mind. I could see her face which is only a few inches from mine. Her heterochromia eyes staring into mine. Her eyes are really beautiful,..I covered my mouth as I blushed at that thought. "Mhm,.yes I am, Sorry,." I replied as I was shy to look into her eyes. "We should get ready now, because I want to spend the whole day with you since I'll be gone tomorrow for the party." she said. I grab my chest as could feel that my heart was beating fast when she said she wanted to spend the whole day with me.

Is she,..really a vampire,..?

Timeskip when they both were ready for their picnic | Kana's POV

As soon as Eva and I are ready for our picnic,.a knock is heard from the door. As for me, I can't stop staring at Eva as she wore a beautiful white dress.

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