✧ Chapter 3 | Desire ✧

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[ A/N : Ossu everyone~!~! σ(≧ε≦o) Here's the new chapter! The picture up here is the 20 years old guy, his name is Iketeru Kana ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ I'm really sorry if he is not your type! *bows* The next chapter soon I will show you how Shiro looks like~! Now, enjoy your reading! ]

<< Recap | Evangeline's POV

I brought my hand towards him,..and said,..

"Hey,..what's your name,..?"

Kana's POV

Upon my very eyes,..I see two girls and from their looks I'm sure they're vampires. A silver haired girl and a pink haired girl.

"The silver haired one is asking my name,.." I spoke to myself as she brought her hand towards me. Her eyes are glittering and her silver hair is glowing like the beautiful moon in the starry sky,..I'm somehow amazed by her beauty. But still,..they are bloodsuckers, I clench my hands tightly. Their beauty is just a sweet trap to death.

"Oi! Onee-sama is asking YOUR NAME! ANSWER HER!!!" shouted the pink haired girl. Her loud voice snapped me out of my dazed and had make me tremble in fear. Everyone in the hall is now looking at us. "Krul,..it's okay, I think he's just scared of us." said the silver haired as she smile at me. "Hmph! Scared,.!? No one should be scared by onee-sama who possessed such beauty!"

"Krul,..thats enough okay,.?" the silver haired pats the pink haired girl's head whose name is Krul. "Ah,.back to where we're at,..I'll introduce myself first." said the silver haired. "My name is Evangeline Tepes and this girl beside me is my younger sister, Krul Tepes." she once again brought her right hand towards me.

My right hand is shaking,...looking at her red eye just reminded me of the fresh blood which splatted all over me. The bloody scene where the vampires killed my mother and father,..!


Krul Tepes' POV

I could not,..believe it. That mere human just slapped onee-sama's hand away,.!! I could see onee-sama's shocked eyes as she winched in pain. That made my blood boil.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE,.!!!!!" I screamed at him as I brought my arm upwards to strike him to death. Before I could even hit him, I was stopped by a soft hand. "Stop it, Krul." said onee-sama with a stern voice. I flinched as I heard she said that. "B--but onee-sama! He just--" before I could even said anything, a soft voice cut me.


"Huh?" said onee-sama and I at the same time as we heard he said sorry. "Ik--Iketeru Kana,..that's my name,." he said as I could see him shaking. Onee-sama then let go of my arm.

"I-ke-te-ru Ka-na~?" pronounced onee-sama. "Iketeru means 'cool' and Kana means 'One who is powerful' right? You have such a nice name." said onee-sama as she smiled happily. "Mhm,.th--thank you,." nodded Kana. I could see he averted his eyes away from onee-sama. "Hmph! Kana just sounds like a girls name!" I implied.

Evangeline's POV

I giggled as Krul complained that his name sounded like a girls name. This is fun, I wonder if I could keep him,.? 

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