✧ Chapter 2 | Meeting ✧

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[ A/N : GYAAAAAH!!! Finally I've updated!!!(⌒▽⌒ゞNyufufufu~! I'm very sorry for the super late! Final exams and stuffs just ended! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノPlease enjoy this chapter! (▰˘v˘▰) ]

Evangeline's POV

As soon as I enter my bedroom, I laid down on my bed.

"Hmm, Shiro said that only children will survive the apocalypse. I wonder If there's anyone with the age like my physical body? But I could always change my appearances whenever. What they meant by children might be only 8 or 11 years old,.." I sighed as I was thinking about making human friends. "I wonder will they be scared of me,..humans are scared with vampires after all aren't they,.? What should I do If I don't manage to be friend with them! Oh nooooo,..!!" the more I think, the more I feel panic about this matter.

Suddenly a knock sound is heard from the door of my bedroom.

*Knock knock*

"Yes who's there?" I immediately stand up from my bed. "Onee-sama, Its me Krul." said a soft voice behind the door. As soon as I knew that It was Krul, I opened the door. "Kru--" without me fully calling her name, Krul immediately jumped at me. I was attacked by her warm hug.

"Onee-saaamaaaaaa~!~!♥ ~♪"

Krul Tepes' POV

"Mmhmmmmmmm~! I missed you~ Gyahh~ hugging onee-sama is the best thing ever in the world~!" I said while she was swirling me around. "Welcome back Krul!" onee-sama said happily as she place me on the chair. She went to the corner to serve me a cup of blood. "Here you go, so how was the mission Krul?" she placed the cup towards me. I instantly drink the blood as I was thirsty after the mission.

"It was tiring and boring since onee-sama wasn't there with me~" I pouted as onee-sama just giggled and smiled at me."I'm sorry Krul, It can't be help since they won't let me go." onee-sama said with a frown face.

"But If onee-sama was there! You could destroy the whole place in Japan and It would be so cool!" I said with an excited face as onee-sama was laughing. I felt relief and happy that I could make her smile and laugh as I knew that she was sad that she couldn't come with us just now. "Anyways, I'm glad that you came back safe, Krul."

"Well of course! I'm not as weak as you think onee-sama. But I could never become someone as beautiful and strong like you." onee-sama placed her hand on my cheek as I said that. "Krul, one day you will become better and more beautiful than me, I'm sure that day will come." smiled, onee-sama as she said that. "Onee-sama,.." I blushed as I felt touched by her words. "Thank you." I said as I smiled widely towards her.

"Good then." said onee-sama."Ah! I have something to tell you onee-sama." I said with a smile. "What is It Krul?" as onee-sama gave me a curious look.

Evangeline's POV

I felt curious as Krul wanted to tell me something. 

"Apparently, we found something interesting when we were at Shinjuku and I think you'll be happy with this." said Krul as she smirk at me. "Ah,.I wonder If she's talking about the human children,.?" I thought to myself.

Krul stepped up from her chair and hold my hand.

"Come, let me show you onee-sama."


Krul brought me to the hall where they placed the human children. I saw them,..their faces look feared. Some of them were crying. Somehow they look the same like us vampires. "Don't mind the other ones, I'm going to show you something more interesting." said Krul.

I nodded as I follow her.

"Ah here he is!" said Krul as she snapped me to reality. I was shocked as I saw him."How old is he,.?" I asked."20 years old, onee-sama. Rare isn't it? Apparently he was the only adult that wasn't affected by the virus. I guess he has an immune in his body." explained, Krul."Dark scarlet hair, heterochromia eyes,..he's so beautiful" I thought to myself as I was amazed my his beauty and looks.

I brought my hand towards him,.and said,.

"Hey,..what's your name,..?"

[ A/N : BOOM~! How was It guys!? Please kindly vote and comment your thoughts below!ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ) I will update the next chapter soon! ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ Thank you for your support, dear readers! ╭(♡・ㅂ・)و ]

[ A/N : BOOM~! How was It guys!? Please kindly vote and comment your thoughts below!ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ) I will update the next chapter soon! ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ Thank you for your support, dear readers! ╭(♡・ㅂ・)و ]

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