✧ Chapter 10 | Melty Night ✧

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[ A/N : KONBANWAAAAAA~!!! o(≧∇≦o) JANG JANG JANG! Finally, chapter 10 is published. <(TT w TT)> I'm really sorry for being so late! I extremely apologize to those who sent me messages and comments, asking me to update fast. ฅ(๑'Δ'๑) Gomenasai~! (';Д;`) I hope dear readers can understand the laifu of a high school shoujo. (๑'•д • '๑);; Anyways, before I start babbling more. Dear readers please enjoy this new chapter!! (。≖ˇ∀ˇ≖。) ]

Evangeline's POV

'This bloodlust, Lest and...Crowley..?' I gasped to myself as I sensed that both of them might end up fighting each other. I immediately stood up from my seat and head for the door. Before I could even walk away, Kana grabbed my arm. "Eva,..is everything okay? You look worried." asked Kana as he gave me a curious look. 'Ah,..I almost left him without saying anything..how incompetent of me.' I sighed to myself as I sat back down on the chair. "Give me a moment." I said as I gave him a smile. I took a deep breath and tried to sense Lest and Crowley again. When I sensed, Shiro was already with them as well. "Ah,.thank god. She's there to stop them, I guess there's no need for me to leave this room." I mumbled as I felt relieved that nothing happened.

"Is everything okay Eva,..? You look worried for a second." Kana asked me with a concerned face. "Mh hmm. Don't worry, everything is in control." I replied with a smile as Kana just nodded his head. 'He looks cute when he's giving me that concerned face.' I thought to myself as I felt my cheeks burning up. After a few seconds passed, the atmosphere became really awkward. I placed my chin on my fingers as I tried to think of a topic to talk about. I mean, talking about what happened in the garden would bring the atmosphere down. And considering that he's badly injured somehow hurts me. As I was unconsciously gazing at Kana, I noticed that he was wearing a necklace. I immediately pointed it out. "Kana, is that a necklace you are wearing?" I asked with curiosity, wanting to know the necklace's design. "Oh this,.?" he chuckled as he took out the necklace from his shirt. I could say it was a simple necklace with a tacky moon made of metal hanging from it with a blue-ish stone and it looked slightly old and dull. But in a way, It looked beautiful. 

"It's nothing fancy, really. But even so, it's something really precious that my dear mother had let me inherit. This necklace,.I guess you could say, it's a memento of my mother." said Kana as he held the necklace, staring at it softly with his eyes. From the looks of it, that necklace is really precious to him. "A mother's love." I whispered. 'Mother...' I remember a scene of my own mother when I was a child. The warm feeling of my mother's arms as she gently caressed me, the scene lingers in my mind somewhat blurry. After that, I never saw her again. I was told she was killed by humans when I was a child but... everything about that story was suspicious. I'm sure she's alive and out there somewhere. I grip my skirt as I try to recall her warmth.

'It hurts.'


'Why did you leave me.'


'Was I unwanted for you?'

"Eva! Snap out of it!"

I immediately open my eyes as I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. "Kana..?" I stared at Kana's face as both of his hands were cupping my cheeks. "Eva, I think you should go back to your room and rest. Plus, many things had happened today. Even if you are a vampire, you need a good rest as well." Kana said as he wipes my tears off. "No, it's okay. Besides, I want to talk and know about you more." I replied as I held his hand which was cupping my cheek. 'So warm'  I thought as his soft hands were caressing my cheeks. 'But still,..I wonder what was that, it felt like darkness took over me for a moment. I'm sure it wasn't a demon...it felt like it came from my heart.'  I gripped my dress as I wonder. I looked up towards Kana and stared at him for awhile. Somehow, the atmosphere became awkward again. I sweatdropped as I wonder what should I do since I don't want to go back to my room yet.

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